bucolic twink

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bucolic twink


they/her, in my delia deetz era making dangerous art as an art student in my 40s in rural new england. I was @mxheartcookie elsewhere

Art can be found at boldfashioned.com
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♀️💛♀️💛♀️♀️💛♀️♀️💛♀️ 🌸 Motherlover 🌸 Started May 2018 - Finished July 2024!!! And coming to bookstores in May 2025 with @ironcircuscomics.bsky.social! Read it here: www.motherlovercomic.com ♀️💛♀️💛♀️♀️💛♀️♀️💛♀️
I got an unhinged “ai” ad on ig today suggesting I should use an app to make deepfake nudes to send to my spouse like this man does not require deepfakes he has bespoke originals AND ALSO who on earth thinks it’s a good idea to be creating their own deepfake nudes and hoping nothing happens w/them.
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it's my absolute favorite holiday of the year when the entire U.S. news industry turns itself into a giant blogspam affiliate for a single massive billionaire-owned retailer with absolutely nobody in any position of editorial authority thinking that's in any way unethical or gross
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IDK who the first person to express this sentiment was, but: "When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small."
What are people doing w/neighbors & friends to create & nurture networks of collective care & mutual aid? What small but significant (or super size me and spectacular, and everything in between) actions & practices are people talking about, preparing for, or taking?
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[banging clipboard] moon cave moon cave MOON CAVE MOON CAVE MOON CAVE
I am begging the scientific community to watch one(1) sci-fi horror movie.
Back to jewelry class again! This time we’re making a ring stack to learn how to set things. Today we designed and made these cute bezels.
My trainer has been on vacation for 2 weeks and this has proved to me that if I am not paying someone to meet me at the gym, I will not go.
My mother in law asked me to sew her a bathing suit and every part of the project has been cursed and I sobbed after the 4th thing went wrong and then barreled forward to finish only to discover I cut 2 different lengths for the front and back and I am giving up.
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"people hate tech bc moderation is really hard u just don't understand!" no people hate tech because it's led by capitalist ghouls who make everything worse for everyone else so they can have six yachts instead of only five hope this helps!
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Welp it happened again. Russian T90 tank this time.
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every day there’s a new headline like this. nobody will face any consequences, and there’s nothing you can do about it. to be an american is to be powerless before megacorporations and bad actors. you have no rights they are bound to respect, and almost no recourse when you’re inevitably fucked
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In addition to everything else people are saying - ten years ago the "tech industry" was ostensibly socially liberal compared to the rest of the country, if not fiscally - all of these people were in favor of gay marriage, for instance. Now all of the well known tech CEOs are weird racists!
While I appreciate this may be *a* reason I think the reason people hate tech right now is that basically every major platform has fallen into ruin in lockstep with the highest corporate profits in history, and when asked, companies like Meta say "yeah it'll get shittier too"
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this is one of those things that's a real pet peeve online. it leaves no space for people to be ignorant and become informed, to not get it and then to learn. "this you?" can be similar. sometimes it's like we replicated the "John Kerry's a FLIP-FLOPPER" thing for folks who agree now but didn't then
The specific names here don’t matter, because the rhetorical construction is endemic in broadly left-wing posting. It starts from a place of open antagonism, it doesn’t actually inform, and it functions only as a public statement of the poster’s fundamental righteousness. Utterly unserious stuff
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All episodes of Shelley Duvall’s FAERIE TALE THEATRE are on Internet Archive, if you’d like to enjoy the second act pivot that made her iconic for ‘80s and ‘90s kids. archive.org/details/fgtd5r #ShelleyDuvall
My childhood personality was fully 1/3 directly the result of watching “Hello, I’m Shelley Duvall. Welcome to Faerie Tale Theater.” My grandparents had all of them on VHS.
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We're doing another event at Mac Park in August! Anyone can help!! Details in alt text!!! Buy stuff from our wishlist: tinyurl.com/unhousedinLA
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Last Sunday we distributed over 650 handmade meals, 1500 bottles of water,100+ free haircuts, and hygiene, first aid, and harm reduction kits including narcan. I cannot stress how much this group Does Not Fuck Around! Unlike city leadership!! buy stuff from the wishlist: tinyurl.com/unhousedinLA
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Please gay furry hackers, save us. We need you now more than ever
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One reason for the odd ubiquity of the "plant-based" descriptor is that companies are terrified to label their products with firm language like "dairy-free" or "vegan," lest the designation bind them to compliant production methods. "Plant-based" is comfortably ambiguous, an empty vessel of a term
finally! reese's without the beef
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I keep making a joke about a drinking game every time someone on one of the retail marketing calls I overhear says “AI” as a buzzword without any context or meaning except I love myself. I’ve counted 6 times in the last 4 minutes.
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I got a perfect pair of glasses
all of my electronics are acting up and i just want to play my silly little game on my silly little steam deck i already worked all day and did homework and made dinner i deserve this
I did not find a tomato because I live in Vermont and didn’t have time to go farmer’s market shopping for one but I did paint one for homework
I am pretty sure that eating a perfect heirloom tomato would fix my whole week.
It took me the same amount of time to drive from Vermont to Maryland as it did to drive from Oakland to Pasadena.
This is my favorite map showing how big LA is compared to some other places.
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Eating a healthy meal is important, but so is serving. 🍞🍳🍖 Elf Senshi from 'delicious in dungeon'. I mean since I had marcille's cape... I had to, right? He joins the rare, once-every-5-years drag characters I've done.