Bonnie Honig

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Bonnie Honig

PhD. political theorist, feminist, cultural critic, and a 2023-24 Guggenheim Fellow working on a book about performativity (the good kind). New article on Singin in the Rain ☔️ and Sorry to Bother You 🐴 out now in Cultural Critique
I am really glad to hear this. I was thinking it could do a lot of good. I am glad to know it has!
Valuable dissection by Larry Glickman of NYT report on Vance!
A thread on today’s “ remarkably one-sided “The Morning” newsletter by Michael C. Bender. /1
J.D. Vance’s Why Donald Trump tapped Vance to be his successor.
Ha! I had no idea. There was another Vance in politics at the time. Cyrus. In your neck of the woods actually
Oops. I’d forgotten! That said, this is a simple translation observation
They may have saved some costs of re-lettering in replacing Pence with Vance but they also have nominated a VP whose name in Yiddish means bedbug.
Research/teaching ask: best article/chapter summarizing state of Adaptation Studies? Ideally covering adaptations involving: lit/film/tv/theater/music If it helps, I am also thinking about adaptation in terms of queer theory moral perfectionism constitutionalism *VERY grateful for recs! #cinema
Wow! “By 1763, the phrase “pride and prejudice” was so familiar in religious writing that evangelical Henry Venn, a founder of the anti-slavery Clapham Sect, could advise that preachers sermonize with love and tenderness, “lest by seeming to upbraid, pride and prejudice should be excited” (348).”
On the plus side, remaking June from the month of Pride to the month of Pride (and Prejudice) — in Florida - might be kinda perfect…
In Florida, the Department of Education has declared it a month for patriotism--"Freedom Summer"-- & said that to impart to students "a sense of American pride," you should have them read Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I'm not making this up. I wish I were.
Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. Announces July Books of the Month to Celebrate American Pride MonthCommissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. Announces July Books of the Month to Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. Announces July Books of the Month to Celebrate American Pride Month
THE Best thing I have read in a long time: on life, binaries, what matters. Only real binary is life v death (and I would argue even that one will be rethought). But Polgren is right to list ALL the sources of regret about past choices & to note that none specifically attaches to transition - Gift:
Opinion | Born This Way? Born Which Way? The panic over transgender children is driven by the fear that they’ll regret transitioning. But freedom to make mistakes is core to being human.
This is great. Biden links violence at TFG RALLY to violence against election workers and others in political life in recent years. “No matter how strong our convictions we must never descend into violence”. Good.
We are hurtling back to abusive DARVO (deny accuse whatever) tactics: Today’s version: You did it! Whoever did it, it’s your fault If only you weren’t so …(mad) all the time No matter what, it’s time to unite now. I confess, that last one, now in play, made me ill when I read it just now.
Rumored to have shut his account while on break
Ok ok :) (I’m a close reader but not of this particular text) but still: Yoda in his prime* was already hundreds of years old
Reposted byAvatar Bonnie Honig
Only if in Yoda speak: “Metamucil, I must have”. It’s a good joke! But I am serious 🧐
TFG is v good at finding people’s strength & turning it into weakness. Hilary’s expertise, now Kamala Harris’ laugh, a sign of her warm openness. He’s named her Laffin’ Kamala: so some advisor is going to tell her to button up the laugh. Wrong instinct. She can lean into it! Now: Biden - same game:
Biden is old, TFG & co. say! That’s the best they could come up with. But Biden’s been playing into it. Not leaning in. Broke his ankle trying to skip up airplane stairs. Comparing golf handicaps! OMG. But he’s getting there! Lean into it. Getting old means acquiring wisdom. Unless you’re a jerk /2
/3 wasting your time on this planet. But if you’re not a jerk, a know-it-all, you might learn some things during your time here. Like how to play long game. Instead of mano a mano, trying to win the virility game, Biden should go all in. Yes he is old and therefore** he knows things worth knowing…
/4 We all love Yoda after all. He is ancient and wise. Time for Biden to embrace his inner Yoda and tell all those white men who think they’re in their prime (& are calling for him to step aside!) that they don’t know the meaning of prime. Yes I am talking about Stewart and Moulton et al..
/5 do I wish he was younger so he could be all things to all ppl? Sure. But here we are & he has something TFG will never have. Wisdom, from having seen a lot while paying attention. Empathy. And smarts. Those calling for Biden to step down are accepting the standards set by TFG. BIG. MISTAKE!
/6 Virility? Bombast? Youth? Vigor? Manliness? such a huge bunch of zombie ideals. Kick Moulton to the curb along with Stewart et al. They are obviously accepting the opponent’s framing. Biden has fallen for it too, in the past. But he should start talking like this: “patience you must have”
/7 Or I’d love to hear him say this (with attribution) “Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you, it will.” I want to say to Biden: Embrace your inner Yoda; let the all those silly men spin their wheels. Embrace the shuffle; a sign of merit, well-earned
/8 keep laughing Kamala Harris and stay old Joe Biden. You were old enough to remember a time before trickle down! Thank god. They go after the traits that are our superpowers! Don’t help them!
Long thread coming on Biden — thinking some things and will be happy to hear what others think. Later.
I am off a few hours and come back to hear is being “cancelled”? GTFO! For working at the NYTimes? Where he writes amazing columns w/ ideas might worm their way into some brains that may just take them in and turn them over and refresh the dirt so something new might grow?
Hoping everyone knows how the Block option works.
:). Idiots … 🤷🏻‍♀️😡