
The only thing I would add to this very good 🧵is, when Biden et alia decided to antagonize the political press corps, they didn’t turn them into a foil—they reaped the downsides of pissing off the political press corps without gaining any of the benefits.
This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden.
Did they decide to antagonize or did they decide as the thread suggests that the DC press corps are idiots and they decided to not engage them.
I also think they all got used to getting easy scoops with the leaky-ass Trump admin, and are mad Biden's staff doesn't leak them juicy gossip. Not much Biden could do about that unfortunately.
Not engaging them is the same to them as antagonizing them. They are indeed idiots but after seeing what they did to Hillary's campaign, I think Biden should have bitten the bullet and given the NYT their interview.
All you are doing is placating the bad children who won't stop. Only way to defeat them is to make this public and point out that the Times has their finger on the scale as they did with Clinton. And for people to unsubscribe. Anyone still subscribing is paying money to elect Trump.
Placating them when they have the power to create this damaging narrative about his campaign would have been smart, IMO. I think "making it public" would be taken as whining from the rest of the press. NYT has had their finger on the scale at least since Gore and mainstream press refuses to notice.
What mainstream outlets are not as bad at this point?
They're pretty much all bad with regard to DC politics reporting, but I don't think, for example, the Post is as bad as the Times. Point taken though.
We have CNN on in our lunch room at work and I have to turn it off when I eat there. When people ask why I explain they can either listen to my running commentary on how wrong they are or eat in silence. Most choose silence.