Emma C

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Emma C


Native Austinite, cat appreciator, Austin FC supporter, YIMBY
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong tech CEOs: let's add it to every product
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Son, we live in a world that has flags, and those flags have to be flown by wives who are fond of them. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt Weinberg?
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
AI will not destroy jobs, it will actually create jobs. For every AI you have to assign 2 guys to monitor it because it's stupid and sucks ass
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
this shit would be so easy for me. it would be kindergarten for babies
With Jack’s departure, we are searching for a new board member for the Bluesky public benefit company who shares our commitment to building a social network that puts people in control of their experience. More to come!
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Austin FC fans wanted to bring this banner to Orlando this weekend in support of the PSRA but the Orlando City FO won’t let us hang it in their stadium. How does this statement violate the MLS Fan Code of Conduct? #FairPayisFairPlay
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
folks we've done anger and denial greater than anyone's ever seen, and bargaining is being recognized more and more. we're bargaining very strongly and i'm coming up to judge engoron with tears in my eyes saying "sir, sir, i don't have this money"
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Moving through the Stages of Grief, and doing it very strongly
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
What's wild is that Democrats don't follow this basic blueprint *even when the facts are on their side.* For example, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito have essentially taken bribes from billionaires. The Dems should just hammer this relentlessly and call for their resignations. Instead, they're silent.
Rufo manages to put points on the board because he 1) Understands what it is he's trying to do 2) is persistent 3) is well-funded 4) wields real power through his allies control of Florida's government No cleverness required! Just like: someone handed him a hammer and he's pounding some nails.
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
The liberal establishment's giddy rush to abandon Acorn, an incredibly effective anti-poverty organization, in an effort to to appease this doofus remains one of the era's biggest shandas
Come for the story about James O’Keefe spending $2,500 for DJ equipment for a Coachella set that never happened, stay for the part where he inadvertently sets a Lamborghini on fire. www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Ron DeSantis has been indicted by a federal grand jury for being a weird giggling bitch
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
you should be allowed only 1 self retweet per 12 hours and if you click to do another one it locks your account for 48
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Literally the only reason anyone is here is because a libertarian doofus is ruining twitter by letting racists harass people. Solving that should be 80-90% of everyone’s job at Bluesky but they’re still just like hey be nice have you heard about what we call “the posting blockchain?!?!”
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Platforms are reluctant to admit that they are making editorial choices. I’ll put it this way: you don’t have to be a fancy spot with a dress code, but if people know it’s ok to shit on the floor in your establishment you’re going to get a lot of floor shitters and other customers will go elsewhere.
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
i think more shitposters would get into soccer if they knew you can join a supporter group and basically just make giant irl memes about ur team
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Hahahaha- Elon is suing the Twitter lawyers that forced him to go through with buying the company. https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/download.html?id=314579501&z=4472a158
I've finally had my first sighting of the pair of hummingbirds that hang out in my front yard every summer and it made me so happy! I was worried about those little guys.
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Block and do not engage TERFs on here. Treat it the same way as talking to cops
Taking a break from my usual lurking to post cat pics, enjoy
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
Reposted byAvatar Emma C
wow, you were all really mean to my friend Pyraxias the Soul Eater. he signed up for bluesky expecting to engage openly with a diverse range of opinions, but you all kept telling him “eating souls is bad” “fuck off with the eating souls” “don’t eat my soul bro” etc