
As much as it sucks right now watching British elections has me hopeful we can get it together before the election and at least not elect Trump.
Also some potentially good new from France.
I honestly am very worried, but I think we definitely still have enough time to pull this out and do the right thing here even though it may be really tough to stomach at some level.
Really hoping that basically decent people are too disgusted with Trump to stand idly by. Every time abortion is on the ballot the christofascists lose, so this country isn't totally cooked if there's coherent messaging.
Good to hear, cause my revolting bowels really need this right now lolol.
I think this freakout is largely contained to the terminally online, media, and politicians. The public doesn't really start paying attention until 6-8 weeks before the election.
My boomer parents are taking about Biden’s age and they are lefty
Fair enough. Perhaps I should have said 'follows politics regularly' instead of 'terminally online.' Like panic or just talking about it?
They usually don't have debates in June either.
I hope so, between the debate performance wall to wall coverage and the burying of the new Epstein/Trump docs in FL it seems like we're going to be stuck with him just from media malfeasance.
The election is months away. Why are you giving up in advance that’s what these people want. Stop the defeatist nonsense this isn’t going to be won until it’s over.