Lion-O Hutz

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Lion-O Hutz

Just a simple, country Thunder Cattourney.
Dictated but not red.
The French election results are broadly more encouraging than the British because the French center/left coalition won with record high turnout, while the British had record low turnout. It seems like it was more a loss for the right than a victory for the left.
Also telling there hasn't been a peep from the right about SCOTUS giving the supposedly tyrannical Biden even more power.
It's telling that religious types and conspiracy theorists will happily adopt someone who embodies everything they've been warning long as that person also shares the same bigotries and reactionary sentiments.
Trump's "I don't know what's in Project 2025, but I agree with the goods parts and disagree with the bad parts" is such a perfect, contradictory Barnum statement. Credulous reporters and apologist can read whatever they want into it.
(I say this as a Bernie supporter who was definitely guilty of being a smug little shit in this exact manner after Clinton's lost.)
I think at least a portion of the post debate reaction is people who are getting squeamish as the election nears, don't want to look stupid if Dems lose, and need an off ramp from Biden. Everyone wants to be Nate Silver in 2016 and look savvy by fantasy booking some candidate that Would Have Won.
I think at least a portion of the post debate reaction is people who are getting squeamish as the election nears, don't want to look stupid if Dems lose, and need an off ramp from Biden. Everyone wants to be Nate Silver in 2016 and look savvy by fantasy booking some candidate that Would Have Won.
People are not giving the Robert's court nearly enough shit for cutting cross shaped hole in the wall of church-state separation.
People point to lead or social media for turning conservatives into frothing lunatics but maybe it was "being demonstrably wrong about every issue over the past 80 years" that drove them nuts. Integration, Vietnam, trickle down economics, environmentalism, gay marriage, Iraq...the list goes on
The only rule that Republicans are held to is the Goldwater Rule.
I'm old enough to remember when everyone agreed it would be unprofessional and unethical to diagnose Trump as a sociopath
I distinctly remember everyone saying to not trust polling after 2016 and now everyone is losing their minds because of single digit changes. There's a non-zero chance Trump is serving like 30 days in jail on election day. If Comey's letter can sink Clinton's run, what would that do to Trump?
It's not important but InfoWars has been claiming for years the plan was always for Biden to step aside/die and be replaced with Michelle Obama or Clinton. It's always been bullshit (they're just more familiar enemies and easier to attack) but I'd rather they not be proven correct accidentally.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
Fascist ideology is entirely about accumulating power by any means. Our electoral system is annoying and imperfect, but fascists will happily use it if works in their favor. Voting is *one* part of a larger resistance because denying them the legitimacy of winning elections is important per se.
Given his previous conduct and the push to consider his pre-POTUS 34 felonies "official acts", what's to stop Trump from killing or kidnapping slates of electors from key states instead of *just* fraudulently sending his own, and then pardoning himself once in office?
One reason AI "art" looks extra crappy is when humans make crap, you can often see what the person was going for. You can learn something, even if it's what to avoid. There's something recognizable in errors if you've ever failed at creating. AI just serves you a hand with 35 knuckles like its nbd.
Jender Kritical Rowling explains to a visibly uncomfortable man her deep insight into male kink in a benadryl-fugue-state version of the Mrs Robinson scene from The Graduate.
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
Something happened in the 2000s and then accelerated during covid where crunchy hippy woo got coopted and merged with reactionary politics (I think it's partly driven by the supplement industry). It's not new, per se (see Wandervogel) but it's bizarre to see it use these pseudo feminist terms.
like, wtf man
NYT: "Could Biden be planning his own 'January 6th' by securing a second term in November?"
Polar vortex? Heat dome? Greenhouse gases? None of these words appear in the Bible.
Every new story about Telsa scooches us closer to the plot of "Maximum Overdrive"
Bread and Circuses are cancelled due to the crops drying up and it being too hot to play outside.
The U.S. is among the countries bringing portable AC units to the Paris Olympics this summer since the Athletes' Village won't have any. Many athletes are worried about competing in extreme heat.
Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with The U.S. is among the countries bringing portable AC units to the Paris Olympics this summer since the Athletes' Village won't have any. Many athletes are worried about competing in extreme heat.
Very cool that I can write "for bribes" on the memo line of my checks as long as I postdate them. Huge time saver.
re-posting with alt text
The ubiquity of crappy touch screen signature pads means everyone's digital signature is a vague *squiggle*, circling back to the point in history when the general populace signed their name with an "X"
Reposted byAvatar Lion-O Hutz
The reason Biden’s age is an issue and Trump’s is not is that Trump didn’t bother to govern last time and nobody expects him to govern if he gets elected again including his supporters
New Homeowner to Fascist pipeline explains a lot from wildly racist Nextdoor posts to the West Bank.
It also seems like the people who can afford to move in turn into NIMBY reactionaries because they don't want to see poverty around their very expensive new house *and* don't want to see their property values decrease so the only solution is disciplining the unhoused.
The Cheapest Land is Bought in Blood, Part 1 - It Could Happen It Could Happen Here started as an exploration of the possibility of a new civil war. Now a daily show, it's evolved into a chronicle of collapse as it happens, and an exploration of how we might buil...
Exercising as you get older doesn't give relief for specific aches and pains from general existence so much as give a specific explanation for general aches and pains.
My daddy issues can beat up your daddy issues.
Oh sure, you like "bad boys" and "veiny guys", but doing IV drugs is suddenly a "red flag".
"I, a dude who dresses like a D&D character and spends all day thinking about Jesus fanfics, thinks you, a Jordan Peterson fan, are a fucking weirdo."
You just so rarely see a Priest body someone so hard
The problem with firearms laws (generally) is they're written around particular mechanical features, so the law has to define those features. Once you do that, everything becomes an engineering problem for a group with a selection bias for engineers who like thumbing their nose at authority.