
Give me your best New York grime recommendations.
I don't know if it qualifies as a genre but I've found myself seeking out and enjoying movies from the '70s where New York City seems just awful. Not even Taxi Driver-type stuff, movies like The French Connection and various Larry Cohen films where all the restaurants are brown and vile-looking.
There’s an incredible old Discount Tire commercial narrated by Ed Koch where some car drives through 70s Times Square where the tires manage to take all sorts of a beating from nails and jagged metal while the driver keeps on going past absolute depravity, that always stuck with me as Peak Grime.
Sorry it’s a General Tire GenSeal commercial, couldn’t find it on youtube
Q: The Winged Serpent, Ms.45, Fear City, Alphabet City, Frankenhooker.
Variety is extremely grimy and features a very young Luis Guzman.