
Not sure why liberals are deploying the "change takes time" argument again when we've repeatedly seen the government enact major, sweeping changes at the drop of a hat since 2001. From the surveillance state to bailouts to economic stimulus, when the ruling class wants to do things, they get done.
At this point it's clearly time to just get together and write a new constitution; and I'm prepared to call anybody moving for anything less a baby who can't grow up and face reality, just like they keep calling us.
That would be great, the problem is that this is also the fascists plan by having red states call a constitutional convention and enshrining the oligarchy and corporate rule with it. We have to have a movement to depose them and then create a new, more equitable, constitution.
It's always about finding the right people to punish it never gets to anyone actually getting help.
Personally I don't think we need to have the existing States or government involved in our constitutional convention at all, and we shouldn't wait until we smash the Old government to start living by the principles we enshrine in it. We need to have an explicitly leftist gathering and draft a plan.
We need to start building the structures that we plan to replace the current one with and prove that they are useful, stress the loads that they can bear under a dual power configuration, before we knock out the pillars in the old one.
The time frame we have for this is growing shorter and shorter but that's all the more reason to hurry.
As though we aren't already there. The liberals just give cover for the fascists to act. They don't need a constitutional convention, they already have militarized police that acts as an occupying force and picks the winners and losers of political action. We're already there without the convention.
This has been the problem since I started thinking it was needed in 2000. The problem has only gotten worse since then.
Now is clearly not the time unless you literally want all of your rights taken away
Change takes time because you have to get the elites on your side. THEN things can move fast. Shitty, but here we are.
Liberals don't say "Yes, obviously, the elites could fix this issue instantly, but choose not to." Because the entire point of their "cahnge takes time" argument is to justify the inaction of elites. They specifically want to stop people from pushing the elites (or choosing better ones)
I feel like you're giving me tips on how to improve my impression of a liberal. :D
I think "convincing elites to want certain things" is an important lever of political power.
Yes. One which "change takes time" is expressly designed to prevent from being used.
I'm using "change takes time" with a different intention in this case. I understand that other people might intend something else, in some OTHER statement. They THEY made. That i DIDNT make. :D
It's just barely possible that some people might have different intentions, when they say something like "change takes time." You could try to figure out what people mean. You could also assume everyone means the same thing in every context. But there is more than one available interpretation.
That’s how you know Covid is being used as a population reducer. It just takes masks and ventilation to fight it.
idk, into k it’s more that real estate companies decided it’s cheaper to pay politicians to force us back into offices than it is to improve ventilation systems in buildings and pay sick leave. A bunch of people they see as “useless eaters” dying is just a nice bonus.
You just described the same thing in a more specific location
The govt should pay for ventilation and masks like all counties that have actual public health initiatives
"That’s how you know Covid is being used as a population reducer." No.
Then why does public health no longer exist? Explain it
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Can’t explain it bc it’s true
Well sure, this is the least effective Congress the country has had in I dont know how long. No legislation passed, nothing except for Israhell and for sacrificing the people of Ukraine which is also for Israhell.
Oh, in history. In all of history.
Likely because the change were talking about isn't oh ONE new policy. We think of change as in like 75-100% of it reorganized, replaced, or removed, then realize all the people who rely on that shit to like not die and exist and shit and think "Fuck we can't just burn this bitch down."
It’s almost as if when their wealth is threatened, they are compelled to move quickly, but if it’s just poor people who are hurting, they don’t. It’s easy to blame them, but the truth is it’s us. 99% of the population would rather work themselves to death trying to join the 1% than fight them
Wish those bastards wanted to curb greenhouse gasses, among other things.
I wonder how many of them were too young or disengaged to notice it I often am extremely surprised when I hear how different things used to be before 2001
Not to mention initiating sanctions on entities trying to protect defenseless women and children.
wow you just figured out that change the ruling class wants is easier to do, amazing
Were they sweeping? Did they not take time?
They think that everyone in this country is just plain stupid. They've been ALWAYS playing the incremental game, and they see no reason to drop it now.