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You can also use resistbot if you're calling averse:
I recommend taking five to ten minutes to put your US rep, US senators, and state and local elected officials into your phone contacts so you can instantly call them whenever you get mad, which will be every day from now until we die. Text RESIST to 50409 to contact your federal, state, or local elected officials; create movements; and more. Over 30,000,000 letters delivered and counting.
After the Court’s decision yesterday, I think there’s an argument from necessity for Biden seizing Trump and trying him by military tribunal, given the sudden unavailability of Article III courts. Plus, itʼs just the sort of thing they’ve authorized an active and energetic chief executive to do.
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
This take is baffling. People were loudly saying this in 2016, large chunks of lefty dissenters maintained it was just a scare tactic, and then the lesser evil lost and the greater evil won and this is the direct result of that. The squishy liberal mind was proven emphatically correct
Why didn’t voting for the lesser evil stop this? And other questions for the liberal mind
In a way its a helpful educator. Seeing someone post and thinking "huh, is that true?" and then checking on it to learn if it is or isn't
watching UNDER PARIS, the movie about a shark terrorizing the Seine. it is a masterpiece
Do we have any evidence if porn bans will have an electoral effect. Seems like it might engage a lot of non voters.
these accounts who post some version of "liberals don't do X blah blah" when they do in fact do X at least to some degree , are they bots? Trolling? I don't know but I don't appreciate having to be the guy to defend liberals/Democrats/Joe biden when I'm not exactly a big fan
When you see the everyday decency of regular people, it puts the behavior of our "elites" into rather stark relief. (tl;dr 23-year-old juror impaneled on a pandemic nonprofit fraud case is offered $120K in cash and *immediately* turns it in. Wild story, a credit to local reporting. Gift link.)
Juror in fraud case given bag with $120K, promise for more ‘if she votes to acquit,’ FBI The alleged bribe came as a bombshell revelation in an ongoing trial over a massive pandemic fraud case tied to Minnesota-based nonprofits.
a young woman forced to flee idaho to obtain an abortion is not real to them like corporate sensitivity training
You gotta put your name on the checks.
the thing about pedocon theory is its true
A bipartisan bill that would outlaw all child marriages in Missouri has run into resistance from Republicans that could prevent it from becoming law “Why is the government getting involved in people’s lives like this?,” Rep. Dean Van Schoiack asked
It's ferrous, but nonmagnetic. (It's the chromium that does it, though...)
Used to be you could stir-fry rice and it would go all over the stove because the sides of the pan were too shallow. Can't anymore. Because of wok.
eyyy we love to introduce a new fact to people
Reposting since I don't know how to bookmark
In the last few days, federal agencies issued rules: 1. Dramatically restricting the ability of coal plants to pollute 2. Eliminating almost all non-compete agreements 3. Forcing airlines to reimburse passengers for delays 4. Restoring net neutrality Tell me again how both parties are the same.
Roberts is concerned that the only protection against bad faith prosecutions of presidents is the good faith of prosecutors. He laments how easily grand juries indict. It’s touching how concerned the justices are about this stuff — but only when the target is the most powerful person in the world.
*David Attenborough voice* and now we see the newly-minted Heterodox Thinker emerge from its cocoon to begin the journey to the right wing grift-o-sphere
80 percent chance haidt would show up to a public meeting to complain about losing parking to bike lanes
NYT published a piece about Ukraine by JD Vance, one of America’s most prominent Putin apologists and liar. Before reading it, I’ll say big media outlets platforming a variety of views is in general a positive, but as Moynihan said, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.
My strongest belief after going to war three times and seeing too many grieving parents, spouses, and children on the other side is that kids shouldn't have to risk their lives for a college education.
"We will not help Republicans ban abortions" It's really that simple.
Democrats shouldn't bail them out by agreeing to the very short 15-week ban. Their radicalism brought us this moment, and there's no need to compromise with them to get back to their slightly less awful benchmark. Use the leverage.
All cars are boats over short distances
A big Dem win in Alabama and fresh abortion polling make clear: Issue polling provides unreliable snapshots, and if Dems had listened to centrists who encouraged them to follow polls in 2022, they’d have embraced a 15 week ban that’s now highly unpopular.
Are Democrats Getting Better At Moving Public Opinion? A special election in Alabama and a Republican culture war freakout contain hopeful signs.
Technologies that allow us to do more with less (read: are efficient uses of resources) are the shit, my jam, and cool as hell. Technologies which seemingly need more and more resources (energy, compute cores, human labor) to do questionable things at best are whack and you shouldn't like them.
AI feels like a real mania, a genuine collective break from reality among the ruling class. They might as well be pouring billions of dollars into an attempt to replace all jobs and knowledge with a large bronze idol of Dagon.
I am also a big fan of income-based fines.
Income-based fines are very good. I want billionaires to be ticketed $20M for speeding
If you absolute idiots chase Jamelle off this site, I swear to god