
We should be shocked (a) that this exists, (b) that the former president is amplifying it, and (c) that the former president's amplification isn't even a big news story. Last year an armed, dangerous man showed up at Obama's house after Trump posted the address
This is the image. I dunno, it strikes me that Presidents who deploy the visual stylings of snuff films for their campaign events are perhaps dangerous to democracy. But have you heard that Joe Biden is old?
And it led to Biden team cancelling campaign events in Texas in late October.
We should be shocked (a) that this exists, (b) that the former president is amplifying it, and (c) that the former president's amplification isn't even a big news story. Last year an armed, dangerous man showed up at Obama's house after Trump posted the address
Biden camp cancels multiple Texas events after The highway skirmish came as Democrats close ground in a state that is polling competitively in the race for president. Recent polls indicate the presidential race in Texas between President Donald T…
I remember a lawsuit over it, but I don't remember our MSM ever following up on the story or telling us the results.
I honestly can't imagine Joe Biden applauding & amplifying, say, Kathy Griffin's joke about beheading Trump. This really is new territory. And that guy who targeted Obama was hardly the first MAGA zealot to follow up on Trump's encouragements.
Cesar Sayoc sentenced to 20 years in prison for mailing pipe bombs to prominent Democrats, Cesar Sayoc, the Florida man who mailed more than a dozen pipe bombs to prominent Democrats and CNN, has been sentenced to 20 years years in prison
it's really sad that pretty frequently, something Trump did in the past (like, from 2016 til now, I don't even mean the '80s) comes up and I have totally forgotten it. I guess that's how the brain works, stuff gets filed away. But man, his file of bad shit is the biggest
Trump treats his political campaign as an audition for some type of Jerry Springer show. What a national embarrassment.
Yeah. An armed, dangerous man assaulted Nancy Pelosi's husband, too.
I'm not shocked, this is amazingly on brand for trump and his "movement." This is on brand for the GOP pre-trump, it was Sarah Palin talking "second amendment solutions" over a decade ago. We've let them do this for years, and now we're reaping what we've sown treating them with kid gloves.
I'd bet $20 that the Secret Service has already drawn up a plan for how to protect Trump in prison.
Why blank out the license plate of the nazi?
It’s not blacked out in the video Trump posted. New York plate TRUMP4US.
Looks like the owner of the truck did it himself with tape.
So what happens here? Obama's secret service detail has a stern word with Trump's secret service detail, who promise to ask him to knock it off, but then never do?
I remain convinced that when Biden's dog tries to eat Secret Service guy, he's rooting out the ones that Trump and Co. suborned.
Hello @SecretService- a threat of violence against President Biden. Please investigate
Plus the obscured plate for dodging tolls, not the most important detail but also one that is worth noticing
I believe this truck belongs to a NY police officer
I see it on the front page of the NYT, WashPost, and CNN websites, the first three I checked. It's shocking, but at least it does seem like it's being treated as such by the big news orgs.
Trump was just HELPING keep Obama's Secret Service details on their toes, you know, like a good friend does. SARCASM