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Keyboardist and vocalist. I've been alive forever and I wrote the very first song. Baseball fanatic. Decent cook. Animal lover. I prefer dogs to people. Sorry people.
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Jack Posobiec is a very influential MAGA media figure. He posted this today. In the 1930s Fr. Denis Fahey was probably most well know for being one of the most outspoken anti-semites in the world...quite an accomplishment for that era.
I've been trying all weekend to install UbuntuStudio alongside Windows 10 and keep getting error messages that don't tell me anything. Very frustrating.
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Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
Make a band more fish. Cod Rundgren
Make a band more fish. Hallibutthole Surfers
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Trump said “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it.” But Project 2025 is run by Trump's closest aides, raising concerns about cognitive fitness for a candidate who seems unable to recall those around him.
Troubling Signs of Cognitive Decline as Trump Struggles to Recognize Closest "I know nothing about Project 2025" statement triggers new concerns about his fitness to serve
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We need more, but credit where due: both The Nation (June 2024 issue) and Boston Review have run a breakdown of the Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document. Media Matters, too. Lots of good work going on digesting this.
Where are the columnists who are experts in specific fields, breaking down what the Heritage Foundation + Trump want to do to each individual federal agency? E.g. I read the section dedicated to our intelligence agencies, and had to stop, since I was starting to feel a little nauseous.
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1. The guy who wrote the "don't vote" essay says we're obligated as Americans to root for the Michigan Wolverines 2. he lives in 3 Rivers, MI & says your vote doesn't matter "even in municipal races." I found EIGHT elections in the past 10y decided by 1 vote there
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New York Times, July 5, 2025: “Biden’s Stumbles And Gaffes During His Criticism of President Trump’s Internment Camps Vindicate Age Concerns”
One field I'm hoping for AI innovation: contracts. How valuable would it be to be able to ask questions about a contract, and get analysis and answers immediately?
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The Kansas Supreme Court reaffirmed abortion protections in the state’s Constitution on Friday. It struck down Republican-backed laws that banned a common second-trimester abortion procedure and that created new licensing requirements for abortion clinics.
Kansas Supreme Court Rejects Republican-Backed Abortion The rulings were the latest blow for abortion opponents in Kansas, where abortion protections in the State Constitution have vexed Republicans for years.
Still the best thing I've ever read on, and that's saying something. So funny because it's so true.
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One guy is old. The other guy is an old lying pedophile philandering racist rapist, convicted of 34 felonies, liable for $464 million of business fraud, who ripped off thousands of people, stole top secret US military documents, and tried to violently overthrow the government.
The #Braves just seem lost. So many times this year they have had men on 1st and 2nd, no outs, and have failed to score. Yesterday, they get back to back homers, then seemingly become deflated when the #Giants get their own back to back HRs. Aaron Bummer has been a disaster in middle relief. #MLB
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“What makes you so confident you should be president?” is an actual question a reporter shouted at the incumbent who just warned about a reckless court decision that imperils democracy
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Hunter Biden has sued Fox News and its parent company over a 2022 miniseries that purported to show a “mock trial” of the president’s son, claiming that the conservative network made money from publishing his intimate images on the show.
Hunter Biden sues Fox News for ‘mock trial’ Hunter Biden claims that the show, portraying a fake prosecution of him for criminal charges he hasn’t faced in the real world, was equivalent to revenge porn.
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Chief Justice Roberts decrees the end of DOJ independence in an offhanded sentence on page 20.
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Three days after the debate every Sunday news shows invited an avowed election-denying fascist on the air in an overt effort to legitimize them as good-faith commentators The news media is openly pro-fascist
Biden really should have also said "I'm here to tell the American people my vision for America over the next 4 years, not be CNN's fact-checker".
So weird that the #Braves have an 11:15am start time against the #Pirates and even weirder that it's on The Roku Channel. 😵‍💫🤷
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Here's their statement if you don't want to go over to Twitter
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Well, now it's up to federal judges to closely examine and decide what to do with "fecal soup."
In other Iowa news, "Fecal Soup" - "Health experts are warning of the possibility of floodwaters containing "fecal soup" after an agriculture-heavy region in Iowa was inundated with an unprecedented amount of precipitation."
'Fecal soup' could be lurking in Iowa floodwaters, health experts Health experts are warning of the possibility of floodwaters containing "fecal soup" after Iowa was inundated with an unprecedented amount of rain.
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Vegetative state national journalism model that 9 years after Trump revealed he was and would be the world's biggest liar in history every news outlet continues to dilute his mendacious gatling spray of lies with "falsehoods" and "untruths"
Earlier this week, CNN's political director David Chalian said a debate “is not the ideal venue for a live fact-checking exercise." Moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash stuck to that model Thursday night, despite multiple falsehoods claimed during the debate.
CNN debate moderators didn’t fact-check. Not everyone is happy about CNN’s political director said earlier a presidential debate “is not the ideal venue for a live fact-checking exercise.” Jake Tapper and Dana Bash stuck to that.
What's your favourite black & white film?
Favourite black and white film
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A few years ago, Jon Lovett floated a theory that media treats Democrats like protagonists - to be challenged, accounted, and forced to be behave in growth-oriented ways - while the GOP are treated like antagonists - immutable, expected to disrupt, thematic obstacles. Thinking about that a lot.
I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
Using an image, show a movie you’ve seen more than 10 times
Using an image, show a movie you’ve seen more than 10 times (and 1,000 pts to the first person who names this child actor)