Christopher A Gilbert

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Christopher A Gilbert

Law student, life-long learner, traveler, try to be a decent fellow
"I think more than ever we need to go out and vote. We can't leave our country in the hands of these people [the far right RN party]," Mbappé said at a press conference in Hamburg ahead of France's Euro 2024 quarter-final against Portugal there on Friday." he did it
French elections: Mbappé says voting is 'urgent' after 'catastrophic' Star French forward Kylian Mbappé had previously called on young French people to vote at this 'crucial moment,' on Sunday, June 16, joining his team-mate Marcus Thuram in speaking out against the far...
Sooo, you mean to tell me, even though everyone was "sure" Marine LePen's "National Rally" was going to sweep into office in France, people showed up and voted and France will, in fact, not be run by fascists? I wonder if that whole voting thing could work elsewhere?
True. Esp apparent to an American who’s lived in places where ‘oldness’ is not despised or feared and generations mix freely. Where spaces contain 80 year olds and 50 year olds and 25 year olds and no one doubts that all could have a good conversation.
Americans have a real problem with older people and the concept of aging. The culture is rife with ageism. It’s going to official bite us in the ass if we don’t address it. Wow.
The really sickening part of the ableism is the ad nauseum recitation of every mistake by one old man, and the completely ignoring of things like "batteries cause boats to sink cause they're too heavy," nonsense coming from the other old man.
We have the fall of the Wiemar Republic happening in the US, with most people so up their own ass they'd rather let the fascists win (sound familiar). Simultaneously the Vichy government returning to France, while Italy is ruled by a fascist. Great job. Did no one pay attention in history class?
I'm signing off of here for a bit. I'm thoroughly annoyed.
Keep complaining about the old guy, like you complained about "her emails" and saying "the Supreme Court doesn't matter." You might not remember you said these things, but I do. So go on, keep it up, and what will you do when his "official acts" end your ability to whine?
I do love seeing how ageist otherwise well-meaning people are. Further illustrating the point that most people are capable of seeing other people's bullshit, but not their own.
Everyone who said "the Supreme Court doesn't matter" in 2016, or is talking about age or not "being excited" in 2024 is an absolute idiot. I'm not sorry for saying that. It's time for people to start being shamed for their utter ignorance causing this. Chevron overturned is worse than you think.
Love how all discussion in media this morning is "Joe Biden's old, and that worries people, also Trump said a bunch of fascist stuff." Somehow, a slightly older guy being old is worse than someone saying "let Israel finish the job." I fucking can't, they need ratings so bad they'll kill us all.
All they're saying is the people who brought the suit never had standing to bring the suit. They are not ruling on the merits. They are giving anti-woman groups the nod to try again. If you care about Healthcare for everyone, you must remain animated and engaged, and you must vote in your interest.
If you live in Connecticut or New Jersey and commute into NYC by car . . . You're an idiot. I said it, and I won't apologize.
I need you and it'll cost you nothing except 10 minutes of your time! I'm conducting a small psychological study about emotional rating of images and I'm looking for participants. It's online and only requires a web browser and a keyboard: Please share widely 💜
Study: Emotional rating of
"Better to meet a grizzly robbed of her cubs, than a fool hellbent on folly." - Proverbs 12:17 People are applying this to the man/bear scenario, but really doesn't it describe precisely how I feel about the current "right wing" of world politics? Release the bears! I'd much rather deal with them.
As these scientists point out: What we need most is systematic change to phase out oil, gas, and coal. So what can we as individuals do? A lot! Here are 7 ways to weaken the power of big oil, and pressure the leaders and institutions who do have the power to drive change 🧵:
What are the most powerful climate actions you can take? The expert Voting tops the list for the world’s leading climate scientists in a year when billions of voters go to the polls
Guess all the "I'm ready to go to jail for the constitution" malarkey yesterday wasn't real at all. Come on Donnie, you're gonna be the first person elected to the office to get thrown in jail anyway, may as well rip that bandaid off!
I found a picture of Peggy Noonan attempting to "interview" students at Columbia!
Remember campus protests are historically peaceful, right up to the point some zealous administrator or governor calls in the "authorities"
Allison Beth Krause, shot in the chest on May 4, 1970. Jeffrey Glenn Miller, shot through the mouth on May 4, 1970. Sandra Lee Scheuer, shot in the neck on May 4, 1970. William Knox Schroeder, shot in the chest on May 4, 1970. All four murdered at Kent State by the Ohio National Guard.
*holding up a heavy chain* Outside agitators are bringing these dangerous items into the city. Just last night one of them was floating at the foot of my bed, waving this around, and warning me that the chains we forge in life weigh heavy on us in death. I assume he was talking about someone else
It would be interesting to put in a request for police records pertaining to Columbia University, and see how many times the university has called police for different crimes reported on campus over the last year. Bet those results would show as much care for the students as was shown last night.
I feel like this is wildly appropriate today
I hope students nationwide learned their lesson: that no matter what any company or business interest says about them, or how important they are to the business. If their ideas, identity, cause, concern, or existence runs contrary to the business, they mean nothing and will be stopped at all costs.
I understand that John Fetterman wouldn't read that the ICC was also investigating Hamas. I can't abide people conflating Hamas with all Palestinians. That would be like someone saying I deserved horrible things to happen to me because my politicians, most of whom I didn't vote for were assholes.
"We won't treat you like children," says person treating them like children.
I probably should have better things to do.