
It’s wild to see them going from free speech absolutists to demanding people be nice to them online or go to jail for mafia crimes
Lol. Listening to Elon Musk on a Twitter Spaces with Missouri's AG, Elon just suggested that activists calling on advertisers to stop advertising on Twitter "might be a RICO violation" and I am required to inform you.
You came to me on the day of my daughter's boycott
This is nice in that it is genuinely what the Oligarch class believes Even a hint of mockery or disrespect is unconscionable to these masters of the universe Fucking snowflakes in bunkers all
Weird how the freedom always ends up theirs only when the scenario plays out
Musk’s conviction revolve exclusively around which groups and ideologies will show him the most deference and adulation. Bit like Trump in that way.
they just try to destroy anything that has meaning, by making it meaningless
That’s just libertarians though.
He went from being the kind of kid who has his mom call other kid's moms to force them to play with him to being an adult who will call the police if you don't play with him.
You can kind of sniff out the difference between "I want to believe in free speech in my own way" and "oh this looks convenient for the thing I already want to do" and Elon was always 100% the latter