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The reason pundits like the contested convention thing is that it plays to their vanities: what if the smart people made a meritocratic decision about who’s best? This is driven, in part, by being mostly isolated from negative reactions to their opinions over the years.
Whelp at least its obvious being online that the Democrats would have no trouble picking an obvious consensus candidate as one has so clearly materialized in the wake of the suggestion that Biden step down
Look. I care about climate change a lot. I'm close to a single-issue voter on the subject! But we have GOT to stop worrying about what are, in the scheme of things, rounding errors. I hate, hate, hate this kind of personal-responsibility climate stuff, it's deeply counterproductive.
one thing I’ve noticed about this generation of dems is a sort of “plan for the best, don’t even contemplate the worst” approach to political strategy. once you see it in one area, it’s hard not to see it in a lot of other ones too
Every article about Red Lobster filing for bankruptcy is "ha ha endless shrimp, what did they think would happen" and then buried ten paragraphs down is the usual:
I hope new york seizes his plane in the middle of an october rally in wisconsin and he walks out on the empty tarmac where they parked it freezing to death looking for it
once again chuckling at the 3 libs on scotus doing the whole bullshit "what if there's a patchwork electoral system" dance
Not acceptable. This can never be acceptable.
Today in 1990, activists lobbying for passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act abandoned wheelchairs and other mobility aids for the "Capitol Crawl" up the building steps. Jennifer Keelan, an 8-year-old with cerebral palsy, told cameramen "I'll take all night if I have to!"
I have to say, I was worried about how Barrett would be handled in the FF7 Remake, but he is one of the best parts. They lean into the cheesy Mr. T persona just the right amount.
fellas is it gay to like pussy
Remember that DOJ sought expedited review of this issue from the Court last year (skipping the circuit courts). They refused and punted it to the DC Circuit, which took months; then dilly dallied all this time after the DC Circuit’s decision, before finally issuing a grant. It’s pretty transparent.
If you’re a conservative lawyer with lofty career aspirations, it’s very important to either be not at all publicly racist, or else so openly, cartoonishly racist that Clarence and Ginni Thomas invite you to move into their home and then he hires you as a Supreme Court clerk
Something I think most people who know policing through true crime or cop shows don't realize is that "solving cases" isn't something homicide detectives are really trained or interested in doing, their job is about collecting evidence to be able to charge and convict the guy who obviously did it.
the really disheartening thing about the prevalence of scams is that instead of talking about it like a public policy problem, we all act like it’s on every grandma to stay vigilant
It's so weird to me how this doesn't seem to spark much urgency in the media. Widespread misconceptions mean you're not doing your job! Not everything has to be "news" in the sense of a novel event, we've got to figure out how to remind people of background conditions..
dems regularly shooting themselves in their faces with this stuff is far more damaging than some lefty shitposters (Who would advise them not to shoot themselves in their faces like this)
Garland picked a Federalist Society member, Trump appointee to investigate Biden to virtue signal about Garland’s own personal virtue and fair mindedness, which is to say he had corrupt motives and should be fired www.politico.com/news/2024/02...
White House frustration with Garland growswww.politico.com The president believes the special counsel investigating his handling of classified documents went beyond his remit. And part of the blame is being placed on the AG.
Thinking about the Trump aide who has to gas Trump up when he's getting mad about Taylor Swift. "She could never do the sort of deals you do, sir, and you're frankly the superior dancer." Some 34yo former lacrosse guy who wears a suit every day and hasn't been paid in nine weeks. I hope he's well.
Swatting is downstream of a culture that allows police to respond to every situation with maximum force and excuses every trigger-happy panic shooting. If you don't discipline cops who don't treat their jobs with the patience and care armed response requires, this is what you get.
Very long NYT op-ed on swatting that does not reckon with the idea that maybe "anonymous callers can dispatch gullible policemen to assassinate you based on lies" is the problem. Instead:
First Canucks game I’ve checked out this season and wow. We’re going to have our work cut out when we face them in a couple weeks.
End of feed.