
This entire website is about 20 minutes away from being a fight scene from Anchorman. Tridents, werewolves, a laser that turns you into a child, Jay Johnston is there and you turn to your date to tell them about his role in Jan 6th even though she doesn’t know who he is or care,
It is funny and great that you can say this about this website and have it be true but then a day later someone will be like “what was that even about?” and you have no idea
im brick tanlin
I saw that! Brick killed a guy!
No but seeing Jay Johnston was at Jan 6 really fucking sucks and I didn't even know about it until a day or two ago. Is Everest ruined now 🤔
but the story of the story of Jan 6th is *falls over into a shelf full of tiny figurines from the Independent Nation Games sketch*
I mean “guy who was at January 6th repeatedly falls down and looks like an ass” is not wholly without comedic value
They said we couldn't use social media to catch Paul Rudd in a net
Whispers.."who is Jay Johnson?" 🤔
Yes but who will post this when the dust settles