
What’s interesting about the Biden interview is to look up Howard Dean interviews after his little happy yell and see how the media treat them pretty similarly despite Bidens age mattering and Howard Deans yell meaning nothing. All the interviews are like “…what do you tell people who saw that?”
Howard Dean seems like a pretty replacement level dem so I guess who cares but it’s a pretty good look at how the media furrowing their brows and going “we’re very concerned” is 100% bullshit nonsense that they arbitrarily apply to whatever story seems cool to them
I can’t even find it but I remember seeing some clip of 60 minutes where the person plays it for him and he has to watch his happy little yell and then they sit in silence for a few seconds and she goes “what does that person yelling look like to you?” & Howard Dean has to go “he looks happy? Idk?”
It’s even worse! Dean was the only mainstream Dem candidate who openly questioned the Iraq war. The scream coverage was to ensure everyone knew what was “crazy”
There really is nothing to gain doing interviews like that
This is kind of how the whole couch jumping thing was with Tom Cruise, if you actually watch the unedited clip it's like, yeah he seems really happy
He was a *great* chair of the DNC (on its own terms, not saying the DNC is politically good). Then we stopped doing the 50 state strategy for some reason
I think at least a portion of the post debate reaction is people who are getting squeamish as the election nears, don't want to look stupid if Dems lose, and need an off ramp from Biden. Everyone wants to be Nate Silver in 2016 and look savvy by fantasy booking some candidate that Would Have Won.
On a slightly different topic if Biden fires campaign staff Dean should get a look. Remember the 50-state campaign in 08? What a concept.
Thing is, Dean was ALREADY sunk long before The Scream He was already polling 3rd, 4th, or WORSE in the first sets of Super Day polls. He was already not gonna be the nominee, and *they all knew it* The Scream was a one-off, sure, and it didn't help...but let's not bullshit that it caused his loss
I loved Dean. I loved him. I also loved his wife who was a family med doctor in Vermont. They kept asking her why she wasn't going with him to campaign events and she was like "I am the ONLY family doctor in three towns and I'm not going to abandon my patients" and they *gave her shit* for it!
Ppl remember 2016 as the But Her Emails campaign, but the emails narrative was part of a nebulous cloud of anti-Clinton narrative including the She Had A Cold story Even if there had never been an email server, there still would have been a media fix against Clinton
At the same time, did media even cover covfefe? Or was that an internet brain aneurysm?
Oh, sure, Trump ended up having to talk about how he aced his neurological exam. It just didn't matter because conservative media doesn't eat its own like that
Helps there's a conservative media while liberal/left media is like 2 magazines
The “liberal” media we have blames Democrats for everything, wants a revolution to overthrow capitalism tomorrow, and/or is hyper-focused on Bay Area or New York City internal politics
You haven't found the liberal media, keep looking