
Huh. Now the new executive director of NaNoWriMo is claiming that the NaNoWriMo Code of Conduct applies to literally every space in the world, including Tumblr DMs. Imagine Kilby getting snark in Whole Foods. "That's against the code of conduct! I'll ban you!" #writingcommunity #NaNoWriMoSucks
I suppose this obligates the community to tell him what they think, because how is he meant to vet people's thoughts if they remain hidden away where he can't see them
“its legitimate uses (e.g., spellcheck is an Al; it's been around since 2003)” 3 statements and all 3 are completely wrong, incredible
I'm having an existential crisis now because somehow I remember using spell-check in WordPerfect, which would'a been 1989 or so?
it definitely is older. not the grammar check ofc. word processor machines did spell checking
Writer's Workbench, developed by Lorinda Cherry at Bell Labs, goes back to the 1980's so they're 20 years out on grammar checkers as well.
Somebody replied to that to point out that tone-policing is, itself, against the Code of Conduct: Isn't the irony fucking delicious?
Just Another DM them back and tell them they’re not following their codes of conduct, specifically here:
Since when is nanowrimo an organization?
for a long time, and afaik it’s been a shitty one for almost as long nanowrimo is such a fun concept its a shame
Yeah it basically got hoovered up by corpo big-wigs in a similar way to how The Wrong Person ended up in control of the "inktober" trademark and got abusive with it. Also holy WOW their response is so WRONG on a technical level as well. >_< Grammar-aware spellcheck has existed longer than HTTP. XD
yeah there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between spellcheck and the fucking Plagiarism-Machine-9000, how are these being conflated???
It's especially funny since Kilby is notorious for not spell-checking the official NaNo posts and e-mails she sends out. She doesn't know anything about spellcheckers because she's never used one in her fucking life. She acts like they're against her religion or something.
This is like... the single biggest giveaway of AI grifters in my experience. They keep conflating it with how they ASSUME something else works... that they've never used or looked into AT ALL before. XD
I was just thinking this. Toss nano right in the dumpster with inktober. Figures all this nonsense goes down after the first year I actually had a chance to finish it. Such a shame.
Or what?? Lmao what in the world is their enforcement mechanism or threat behind this? Absolutely wild behavior
My guess: "We have authority anywhere we have a presence, which means we can punish you by depriving you of our glorious, shining presence!"
it's called blocking people, nanowrimo. or turning off replies on your posts. oh wait they did turn off replies on the post. ...and then deleted the whole entire post when that was insufficient
That was a good start, but it lacked a personal touch. A Control Freak je nais sais quoi.
And they think spellcheck has only been around since 2003. 🤣
I could never handle that. I have trauma around such things. Thanks for the warning to stay away.