
Let’s see… 10) Jack Frost 9) Hobgoblins 8) Wizards of the Lost Kingdom I 7) Overdrawn at the Memory Bank 6) The Final Sacrifice 5) Prince of Space 4) Mitchell 3) Cry Wilderness 2) Space Mutiny 1) Giant Spider Invasion
OH, AYE :D If we're talking a top ten ranking of MST3K eps, mine would probably go thusly: 10) Wizards of the Lost Kingdom I 9) Doctor Mordrid 8) The Day the Earth Froze 7) Squirm 6) Bride of the Monster 5) The Magic Voyage of Sinbad 4) Space Mutiny 3) The Final Sacrifice 2) Mitchell 1) Jack Frost
Five spots of Manos Hands of Date and Five spots of This Island earth.
Hot take: Manos is actually not a great episode because the movie is SO bad
But it has the line "These Walnuts are really Tearing through the hay" I think.
Dammit you're right. Replace my five votes for Matos with touch of Satan (I just need to rewatch to get a list back up really)
Touch of Satan felt just outside my top 10
I missed it, but I was on Clu Gulager alert
It's one of the few episodes I had to force myself to finish it's just not good. And that's on no part of the mst3k crew
See that someone I can't remember (sorry person you're cool) corr3cted me, and I meant Touch of Satan. And frankly I just need to reqatch to remember other episodes (though I know This Island Earth is still one, even if it was technically a movie).
Oh I was agreeing with Brian that the episode Manos isn't good because the movie is so bad. And it's no fault of the crew, there's just no redeeming that movie
The problem is that it’s not only bad, it’s badly made. “Eegah” is a terrible movie, but at least it’s in focus and the actors are audible.
Eegah is bad, but not only does I have what you mentioned, it also has a plot that can be followed. It doesn't make any sense, and you need to watch out for snakes, but you can follow it. There is a narrative there. Unlike Manos
I think that’s why I FAR prefer the live shows of movies like Manos and Birdemic, you have to have that audience energy or it’s just painful
Never done birdemic, I've only managed to watch Manos once and I swore I would never see it again. It has become my baseline for "why am I watching this? I'm just going to turn this off now"
I think if you compare it to Manos it’s almost the opposite problem - Manos’ “plot” drops off a cliff halfway through and Birdemic does absolutely nothing for the first 75% of the movie