Britt S. Baker (She / Her)

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Britt S. Baker (She / Her)

In solidarity: 🏳️‍🌈
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few - or the one." - Spock.
Pro-vax, pro-diversity, anti-GOP
Sure. Channel 4 (UK) posts some of their shows on YouTube so anyone can watch.
Kimberly Guilfoyle is why Newsom must never be on the ticket!
C'mon everyone, give JD Vance a break. To err is human; to forgive, divan.
The most centrist party in Canada is the Liberal Party of Canada. The most right wing party in BC is the BC Liberal Party. Although they recently changed their name to BC United to distinguish themselves from the federal party. The two are vastly different, but neither is actually liberal.
Most of the time when I see that the person already has a load of comments. So I just use the caring emoji. But then again, I've distanced myself from religious people in my life, so it doesn't come up often.
This initially confused me as I tend to think of DaVinci as a coroner first. (It was the better show!)
Lucky you! I can't take it (blood clots are bad!) Hope it works nicely for you
You can just feel the palpable disappointment of some political reporters and pundits in response to President Biden expertly landing his address at the NATO Summit and receiving a standing ovation from world leaders.
Those scratches look more like hash marks made by a cat that wants to keep track!
And who doesn't quite know how to use hash marks (4 plus one kitty, not three plus one)
I used public transit for years and am a big fan. I've never had a car or license. (Full discloser, my husband does drive) But there is NO way it could ever be as convenient as a car. We need to figure out how to convince folks that transit it worth it even with the inconveniences.
Our dog was too short to get on the bed or couch, but we had a cat that used to make biscuits on my husbands junk. That usually woke him up pretty quick! 😆
This Middle Dutch manuscript (ca. 1400) shows how parchment warps when exposed to intense heat—in this case, during a WWII bombing raid. No longer readable as a book, it's still a powerful historical source. Universitätsbibl. Kassel, 8° Ms. theol. 15:
Oh yeah, hugs and touches are great for some folks! That's why I said "know your audience" If you don't know the person well, ask! 🫂
But know your audience! I used to hug when I drank a lot. Now I barely drink and I do NOT hug. I know plenty of other people that feel the same for their own reasons.
Now I know how my husband feels! 😁
I know being a grammar and spelling pedant is classist and shitty but I still want to beg the denizens of Facebook gardening groups (and possibly autocorrect in all its forms) to understand that “perennial” and “perineal” are two very different words.
I used to send all unknown numbers to spam, but unfortunately a few people I have to talk to block their numbers. Luckily I usually know when they are going to call and everyone else gets sent to VM.
We have elections. We have the census. We have petitions. Pretty well all other polls are news fodder and little else. Source - every poll I've given or participated in. Do you really think those five people are meaningful?
When I started in the library world in the mid 90s, cotton gloves were the standard. So I'm forgiving when I see it in movies and tv from the 90s and earlier
My Thermostat will not shut up about this! Problem is I don't have furnace filters and there's no way to tell the thermostat that tidbit 🙄