
You're not hysterical. Americans have been living in massive denial.
I can’t believe people are starting to listen, but we’ve got to try now. I know we’ve both been tired as of late and kind of detached, but I think now is the time for you and I and the others to start laying out everything all the connections, the massive coordinated effort that’s gone on all of it.
I'm so mad I have to do this shit all over again lol
I am too but now it is imperative and people need to know they are not crazy it’s all real. The conspiracy is real and it’s waging war.
Of course now I can't get work (for "some" reason) so I'm just gonna have to do this with like chewing gum and string
I’m starting to condense the section of my map around heritage and Leo’s connections to fascist and the courts etc.
Please do. If there was ever a time, it is now.
We’re mad with you Brooke, a bunch of us have stood with you and understand it, it just sucks that the “reasonable voices” decided to stick with hubris
I appreciate you so much. Let's fuck up all the baddies together, for morale
We either fuck em up or we do the fuckin up for em. I prefer the first option
I understand how important it is that we try. But I have to ask: in your heart, do you really believe the people who never listened before are going to listen now? I don’t think I have ever felt less optimistic than I do now.
Yes, because now it's affecting them.
Do you mean that the people who think Biden ended Roe will understand what SCOTUS just did, and will understand how it affects them?
you're not wrong, but boy do i hate it here 🙃