
Hochul "paused congestion pricing because it doesn’t poll well. It didn’t poll well before it was instituted in London or Stockholm, either, where it has been solving gridlock, increasing bus ridership and reducing asthma rates. Opinion shifted in those cities after residents saw the benefits."
What Made New York Great? Leadership. Where Is It Now? The city was built on bold ideas. Suddenly Gov. Kathy Hochul paused a game-changing plan to fight congestion. Can we still do big things in a polarized moment?
Here's a list of other laws that I'm pretty sure didn't poll well before implmentation: -Seat belt laws -Emission/car inspection laws -basically every tax increase that doesn't just target the very rich Some shit is just the right thing to do and will probably be approved of in the long run.
State laws requiring every auto on the road to be insured.
I still remember the outrage in my hometown as a kid when they finally got around to fully banning smoking in restaurants and bowling alleys there...and yet no one would dream of going back to that now
This is a bit of a category error. The polls Hochul and House leadership are responding to are not among NYC residents who will benefit, they’re among suburbanites who don’t want to pay NYC taxes in the first place.
That same poll also said like 1/2 the respondents don’t travel to Manhattan regularly anyway.
Yeah, iirc the polls in general went up in London a few months after it was instated, not only for city residents. People realize that they never actually drive in, or suddenly there's less traffic, the tolls are not actually $15 every minute of the day, etc.
This is part of the point I was making: policy is being driven by people who are not going to see the biggest benefits, who may be opposed just on vibes, or who (as Doug says in another thread) might not even care that much about this particular issue.
yes, but after decades of being kowtowed to they believe they deserve all the free stuff
This is like every single bike lane in the United States and most places in Europe.
The Civil Rights acts "didn't poll well." Neither did women voting. You don't do what's right for ALL your people only when you get a majority of public opinion.
Yes, exactly!!! People need to see it in action. And this is well-known. It’s been written about. She is hopeless.
I thought she paused it because it made the cops upset?
Yeah she polled cops and that shithead diner owner
Pelosi got a lot of crap for saying we have to pass the ACA to know what's in it, but she was right and it applies to a lot of stuff.
Also, it didn't poll well with a couple of drivers at some diners in Manhattan.
one of the wildest things about the options here is that there appears to be no option for "It will have no effect, I will travel into Manhattan just as before and NOT pay the fee because I take the fucking train like over 90% of commuters"
On Mar. 21, the NYT reported that 60% of public comments with MTA were "positive", and then on Apr. 22, Siena polling reported 25%-63% opposition to the congestion pricing plan and they freaked w/o considering the quality & crosstabs
The cops who all commute into the city are likely the ones applying the pressure, because of course why would they give a shit about benefiting the community they serve?
This is the way it always is. Polling and reacting to those polls is typically detrimental to any actions taken for the good of a municipality
Bring back New York leadership of old? Like who, lying deadbeat ass hat Rudy. New York's past success would seem more like an accident than a result of leadership.
What fucking polls is she looking at?