
Not to be rude to Michael whom I respect very much, but in 2012 Hillary Clinton was the most popular politician in the country and had a viral meme. In 2020, numerous people said that Biden was so great he should have run in 2016. The weaknesses of these candidates pale to the weakness in us.
I'm constantly marveling at Trump's luck as a politician. He only won in 2016 because he ran against one of the Democrats' weakest candidates. In 2024 he ends up running against someone even weaker.
This is a rant I have had for a while, but the first First Lady with a postgraduate degree, Watergate lawyer, children’s rights activist, US Senator and Secretary of State was not a weak fucking candidate. She was more progressive than Biden in every conceivable way. She got fucked over.
People say it’s not she’s a woman it’s her personality but they didn’t like Warren either for equally nebulous reasons.
why do you hate ambitious women, there's no reason to not support her unless you're mad she's a woman, it's impossible to look at a candidate's record and go 'she seems like she sucks' or her personal factors like, say, massive racist lies and being a literal Goldwater Girl.
You had me in the first half there not gonna lie