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They/them, thanks. Grocery stores will be the first to go in the Collapse. All forms of authority are illegitimate.
I gotta say it again one of the things that made Twitter suck ass is that it became a requisite brand-building platform for media professionals which stratified the site and encouraged unhealthy SEO behavior. Sad to see it happen here, but journalism is locked in a death spiral so it’s not shocking.
Look at this big brave boy and his big ol booboo
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
I think a number of mostly cis liberals, progressives and leftists are uncomfortable with trans people talking about just how extreme some of the positions openly discussed in their favorite publications has become.
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
my lawyer friends posting on LinkedIn about what's going vs how this whole thing definitely looks to me as a non-lawyer
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
I'm playing dragon age inquisition bc my dragon age keep had no info on my previous dragon age inquisition runs. Great game imo. It's buggy and the sidequests are kinda dumb but the character interactions are still superb and importantly (to me) it's got combat that's just right to zone out to.
I’m always gonna have more in common with a bunch of angry upset queer freaks than the upper echelons of the fourth estate. And that goes for 99% of everyone even the cis straight folks. Y’all have fooled yourselves. Imagine what can be, unburdened by what is.
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
people on bluesky will really be like “you believe in withholding your labor and reputation from anti-trans propaganda organs? that pales in effectiveness to my strategy, saying nice things about trans people” and then not say nice things about trans people
Man I’m only on this website for porn yall have tricked me into discourse
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
An eloquent old piece, on how sometimes the reasons for compromising with evil don't matter. "your frustration at being labeled ... doesn’t justify or mitigate the moral weight of your political choice" By. Y'know. Some guy who was at Slate then.
There’s No Such Thing as a Good Trump Voterslate.com Donald Trump ran a campaign of racist demagoguery against Muslim Americans, Hispanic immigrants, and black protesters. He indulged the worst instincts...
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
(continued) "The risk of harm to trans people from these pieces is not theoretical." It is real and continues to happen. Just *TODAY*, July 12, 2024, Pamela Paul posted *ANOTHER* anti-trans op-ed. It will likely be cited in anti-trans legislation or legal briefs within 3 months.
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
i dont like to dwell on this because it depresses myself and my loved ones. but you realise theyre literally right now coming for us right. my friend lost her medication just yesterday. its a pincer with trump on one side and the nyt on the other. we are calling it how we see it. help please. please
One of the genuinely bad things about Twitter was that it really quickly turned into a jobs board for journalists. Being good at Twitter got people work in jobs that shouldn’t have ever been about being good at Twitter.
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
Credit where credit's due, Bouie deactivating to go on vacation right after being kind of a dick to a bunch of trans people on the trans people twitter clone is some masterful trolling
This dude honestly should have caught more flak for using the euphemism “disfavored” for a population that is actively being oppressed in an article about their oppression.
If you’re gonna write something in support of a minority group that you aren’t a member of and then get mad at when some actual members of it respond negatively, I don’t think you actually supported that minority group. The moral seems clear to me! I feel like we’ve learned this lesson before!
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
I have a soft spot for a lot of writers and academics, but you do yourselves no favors with that smug, condescending bullshit.
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
I’m keeping my (complicated) opinions mostly to myself, but you have to have some fucking nerve to get on here and announce that institutional mediamakers are secretly saving trans people and then tell them to shut up about it.
It’s wild that both bouie invoking his children’s healthcare and this guy saying “you disappointed your parents” are doing so about specifically an issue where children are killing themselves because their parents disown them and the state is making their healthcare ilegal. With friends like these,
I’ve got a lot of complaints about The NY Times recently, but if you’re a twativist stomping around here demanding that writers resign from the NYT, you should really consider that you make your parents sad
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
This is the architect of modern mass incarceration! An admitted and remorseless friend of segregationists! He’s always been a piece of shit and hearing everyone fall over themselves to call him decent, honest, full of integrity, etc. is gonna give me a fucking aneurysm.
I just wish the actual Biden campaign had the braggadocio of the average Democrat online insisting that polls are fake and the media made up Biden being old.
I feel like I'm huffing fumes from a gas leak or something. Why is everyone insisting there hasn't been a slide in the polls for Biden. Line go down. Slide. Maybe the polls are broken, maybe the average is shit, but it is what it is.
Reposted byAvatar BuffnTuff
Dilberitos (1999-2003): A line of licensed vegan microwave burritos tied-in with the comic strip "Dilbert". Available in Mexican, Indian, Barbecue, and Garlic & Herb. Noted for it's poor taste and food engineering that packed all 23 essential vitamins and minerals into each one
If Trump saying insane stuff was gonna kill his campaign he woulda never been president, I dunno how people are still in disbelief about this.
This was a speech during which he did not have to answer any questions, he supposedly knew where he was going to be several days ahead of time, and this is what he came up with