Alex L

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Alex L

still a professional internet person
anya taylor-joy surprise punches nicholas hoult so hard she got to be in charge of the War Boys
with all the Class Consciousness posting around The Bear why has no-one yet mentioned The Menu and how great it is
with all the Class Consciousness posting around The Bear why has no-one yet mentioned The Menu and how great it is
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Somewhat spicy headline this time, but seeing a feature I rely heavily on get worse made me realize: it feels like "GitHub", the traditional website, is being treated as a legacy product from corporate's perspective.
"GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software - The Future Is I’ve used a lot of tools over the years, which means I’ve seen a lot of tools hit a plateau. That’s not always a problem; sometimes …
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Im reading about how New York media worked between '97 - '03 and what keeps getting me is that mass layoffs were once new? in like the 80s and 90s? This is not something i remember at all like i can remember mum's landline better than a time before layoffs
Thinking about all the actual newshounds who spent their living researching and investigating corruption and how many lost their jobs in wave after wave of media layoffs while watching the NYT pour a small fortune into having 20 different people rehash the same argument every single day.
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since reddit is dying i want to share my favourite post about one of my favourite guys ever. i never really posted on reddit, just read stuff, but this post is now behind a locked wall. alt text to follow in a thread since it’s too long to fit in the alt text on the image
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If you tried to read Dante's The Inferno and found it difficult, just imagine trying to explain Kendrick Lamar's "Not Like Us" to someone 700 years from now because it's mostly just that
Reposted byAvatar Alex L
Marge says: let's open this pit up
Finally finished this one
the DC fireworks show sent up a cloud in every major identity group's colours including one bomb for trans rights and like 4 carefully arranged full rainbows
Reposted byAvatar Alex L
do the congestion pricing kickoff next
After months of public outcry and pressure from the City Council, New York City’s libraries are poised to have their budgets fully restored so that branches may resume seven-day-a-week service, including Sundays.
NYC libraries to get budget funding back — and reopen on In November, the mayor's budget cuts forced libraries to close on Sundays. The issue has been a thorn in his side ever since.
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Ok apparently it's Make a Terrible Comic Day. So here's my entry for #makeaterriblecomicday2024
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Here’s a nice simple guide to the US immigration process. Easy peasy
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Saddened by today's fire in a beautiful old Toronto building. This was the only church to feature artwork by members of the Group of Seven, those murals are now lost. #fire #church #art #groupofseven #1900s #torontohistory #toronto #canada #hopkindesign
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I got my grades back, which means I can officially say goodbye to the semester, and I've gotten a lot of new followers lately, so it seems like a great day to talk about one of my most favorite historical garments of all time: Countess Greffulhe’s tea gown.
I now assign this video in class as a reading about why digital queueing systems and markets are simply A Problem generally
SRSLY. I never thought in a million years I could EVER care about a documentary about the history of theme park queueing systems and their intersection with corporate greed, but my man Kevin Perjurer works MIRACLES.
Disney's FastPass: A Complicated Kevin deep dives into Disney's now defunct expedited queue service, FastPass and FastPass Plus.Listen to the soundtrack:
for some reason things from 2013-2023 are almost uniquely bad to access, also, which i assume is due to the rise of single-page web apps from the period, but like: there are Wired articles you can't get that are wikipedia citations
Why is The Wayback Machine so important for preserving our digital culture? According to new analysis from Pew Research Center: ❌ 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible ❌ 23% of news webpages contain at least one broken link 🔗
When Online Content A quarter of all webpages that existed at one point between 2013 and 2023 are no longer accessible.
The lead-crime hypothesis could probably be tested with violent crime data sets organized against which countries banned lead when. Canada banned it in 1990, not the eighties. Algeria banned it in 2021.
Starting to find this argument compelling.
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You reach a point where a friend dies and you say: sixty-one! that so young. When you are in your twenties and struggling that point is hard to visualize - you feel like forty more years will be too much. May all who struggle today live in the hope of knowing that sixty-one is so young, so young.
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One of my students did their final project for CS Ethics on decarbonizing the power grid and made a working model of a utility pole as part of their presentation, I love teaching engineering students
These two pieces of media are both about how digital queuing systems are very bad for the resources being offered: Experience reservations. For restaurants in the New Yorker, for rides at Disney by Defunctland:
Public servers and forums with real names attached have been unpopular for almost a decade due to automated scraping, which people rightly view as extremely creepy
The government tracking your data is bad but this is as close to the nightmare scenario for me as it gets
I love automation studies robots are _so expensive_ and charmingly bad at unpiloted tasks they age out faster than heavy cream and they really cannot clean themselves effectively
“As I watched a giant metal arm encased in rubber pick up the fry basket again and shake it roughly, I had only one thought: the future of sex robots is going to be very unpleasant.”
‘Eat the future, pay with your face’: my dystopian trip to an AI burger If the experience of robot-served fast food dining is any indication, the future of sex robots is going to be very unpleasant