Josiah Shoup

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Josiah Shoup

I’m a disability attorney and guy who does writing stuff in Portland, OR. I love horror movies because they tell the truth. Opinions not endorsed by my employer.
My feeling since yesterday.
Avatar Any thoughts about this book? CABIN left me cold, but 45 minutes into the audio book, this one feels like a real live wire.
And by “no one like that,” I very much mean both democrats and people of color. Fuck that guy.
How the fuck you think we feel, guy?
If we’re blaming THE APPRENTICE for Donald Trump, then I’m gonna blame Ron Howard for JD Vance.
Fuck off, you craven lickspittle. Biden just signed the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act. Maybe go report about that and stop supporting the other guy who spent the last 8 years promising your demise.
Just realized I never watched the last series of LUTHER, so I’m going back through it from episode one. Goddamn, that shit holds up. It’s the hardest detective show ever.
I don’t hold a lot of movie grudges, but 2020’s THE HUNT is an egregious mix of both-sidesy centrist politics & over-the-top edgelord bullshit. After watching I said, “Clearly an asshole made this movie.” And then a book came out showing I was right about Damon Lindelof.
I’m three games deep in my TTRPG campaign that’s like TRUE DETECTIVE-meets-Lovecraft’s DREAMLANDS. Here’s a couple things I’m reading for inspiration. (Shoutout to for recommending VELLITT BOE.)
Yeah, I still haven’t upgraded from this 1987 printing. I keep saying I will eventually…
I finally did it. People are still talking about this pointless flex by a Pulitzer laureate, and I’m done.
Picked up these guys at Powell’s Books ( today. The hardcover ENIGMA was remaindered for $12 and marks the third format I’ve bought the story in. For what it is, that book is a match for WATCHMEN; it’s sad how obscure it still is.
Finally saw PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS. There’s a lot of HOME ALONE influence (which I like) and the cast is great. Some fairly cringe dialog that Wes Craven gave to Black actors, but the anti-landlord theme is an evergreen Tweet. This movie kinda rules.
Wish I could actually vote for him this year.
INVISIBLES #12: “Best Man Fall.” Written by Grant Morrison, guest art by Steve Parkhouse. It’s a self-contained issue showing a stream of consciousness life story of a security guard who died nameless & faceless back in the first issue. It’s a big dose of heartache that comes out of fucking nowhere.
The Maltese Falcon is the only full novel with Sam Spade, and it’s third person limited. Hammett said he wanted the reader to gain access to new information at the same time as Sam Spade.
To me, the best version of the story is the manga version of the original light novel. The movie is great, but it’s full of typical Hollywood compromises.
I think you killed ‘em, champ.
God. Damn. It’s the best time I ever had at the movies, Part 2.
Post the cover of your favorite comic - no explanation necessary (unless you’re in a particular mood for proselytizing).
Post the cover of your favorite comic - no explanation necessary (unless you’re in a particular mood for proselytizing).
Why doesn’t Alito just post fucked up memes on Facebook like every other right wing asshole grandpa?
I’m planning to reread the (stupidly underpraised) Pete Milligan run on SHADE THE CHANGING MAN. Was looking around for YouTubes and podcasts about it, but…damn. Feels like the whole internet has forgotten that book.
This is the best day care notice I could ever hope to receive about my two-year-old daughter. The girl likes Christopher Cross. My work here is finished.
HANNA. At age 16, Saoirse Ronan kills in every possible meaning of the word.
I’m rereading HOMICIDE by David Simon. As a diehard fan of the TV adaptation and THE WIRE, going back to the original is bittersweet. As much as I love this book, the author presents a lot of toxic bullshit about cop culture in uncritical ways that now feel dicey as fuck.
Watching TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME as a palette cleanser for DUNE 1984. It took ginormous balls for Lynch to follow that bitter, fuck-your-feelings cliffhanger in season 2 with a prequel that tells you goddamn nothing about Cooper’s post-cancellation fate.
I watched this really weird Star War at the Hollywood Theatre last night.
Ha ha ha. I’m saving this one for whenever the nerds start to observe Narnia Day.
Here is what Jackson wrote in 1832 when South Carolina tried to pass a law nullifying federal authority in that state. He threatened to literally invade if they didn’t walk that shit back. My guy was a lot of bad things, but he lived and died a unionist.
Rewatching THE EXORCIST III (1990). Christ, this thing is amazing. After creating a whole subgenre of horror with the first movie, William Peter Blatty predicted that 90’s horror would be all about serial killers. What a legend.