
Eleven Commandments. Louisiana's law mandates a specific text. Not from Exodus, or Deuteronomy, but from the Fraternal Order of Eagles. They used a KJV-sounding pastiche adapted from the Bible and paraphrased by a Minnesota juvenile court judge in the 1950s. It's not the Bible. It's the Eagles.
So, even within Christianity, the Ten Commandments aren't precisely the same across traditions — the text is translated and even *numbered* differently. This law appears to mandate the KJV version — a Bible translation entire Christian traditions reject.
The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom. Republican Gov.
Because Lutherans, Catholics, and Jews all number the biblical commandments differently, the Eagles' version sought a broader civil religious appeal by not numbering them. It's just a list of 11, or maybe 12, unnumbered, nearly-but-not-exactly biblical statements. Oh, and it was a movie promotion.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but no one knows the the Ten Commandments since they were told to Moses by God, written on those stone tablets that Moses immediately destroyed in a fit of rage after seeing his people worshipping a golden calf. What we think of the "Ten Commandments" were never divine.
God then told Moses to “Hew thee two tablets of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tablets the words that were in the first tablets, which thou brakest.” So the same words were rewritten on new tablets, which were saved.
“Thee” and “unto” and “brakest” - sounds like a few-centuries old English translation of ancient Hebrew, we can do better than KJV.
yes but they feel like a summary, which is handy for people because the full bible has too many words