
So, even within Christianity, the Ten Commandments aren't precisely the same across traditions — the text is translated and even *numbered* differently. This law appears to mandate the KJV version — a Bible translation entire Christian traditions reject.
The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom. Republican Gov.
These criticisms came up when Texas lawmakers tried (and failed) to pass a similar bill last year, with Jewish leaders also noting that, among other criticisms, they strongly objected to mandating a Christian Bible translation of a text written in Hebrew.
In Texas, Republicans push bills aimed at enhancing faith's role in (RNS) — Cantor Sheri Allen, co-founder of the Jewish congregation Makom Shelanu, called the bills a “blatant violation of the separation of church and state.”
Legal challenges are likely to come fast and furious here, but worth noting: at least two Supreme Court justices — Thomas and Gorsuch — have voiced support for the (highly disputed) idea that while the U.S. can't establish a religion, an individual state can.
How Amy Coney Barrett could change the Supreme Court’s balance on religious WASHINGTON (RNS) — Micah Schwartzman, a professor at University of Virginia School of Law, said Barrett could end up furthering an understanding of the First Amendment he finds ‘quite disturbing.’
This piece of 💩is a psychopath.
That’s why she was appointed, I assume.
Another attack on the Second Founding. It's as a consequence of the 13th and 14th Amendments that the Bill of Rights (including the Establishment Clause of the First) has been incorporated into state laws since the 1860s. The True Conservatives don't really accept Amendments 13 and up.
They especially hate #14 and its application in the latter half of the 20th century - killing that jurisprudence by a thousand specious cuts is the next brass ring in RW legal circles
Yep--though the capitalists really care more about #16.
Don’t hold your breath on ACB doing anything differently than goose-stepping with evangelicals
"highly disputed" = "absurd and wrong"
These laws mostly follow a single template/model legislation that uses the KJV-ish but not KJV language promoted by the Fraternal Order of Eagles in conjunction with Cecil B. DeMille's movie promotion. It's an edited and paraphrased KJV pastiche written by a Minnesota juvenile court judge.
Louisiana is using the Eagles/DeMille version. Judge Ruegemer realized using a specific translation or numbering of the commandments could narrow the civil religious support he was seeking for the Eagles' campaign, so he rewrote them & printed it as a list of 11 or 12 unnumbered statements.
I just went googling and found this article about them-- Very interesting. Do you know if anyone has posted comparing this version to the LA one, to confirm the 2 are identical?
Gotta say I don’t love that we’re all the way back to having conversations I swear I remember from your blog during the Bush years.
Louisiana is 22% Catholic. I was raised Catholic. Our Ten Commandments didn't even have the "graven image" commandment. (Catholics *love* graven images.) We had two "covet" commandments instead of one (neighbor's wife and neighbor's goods) as #9 and #10.
I mean. There are two different versions *within* the Hebrew bible.
Post the entire Halacha while they're at it.
A full Shas (Bavli AND Yerushalmi) and a full Shulchan Aruch in every public school classroom in this great nation, I say.
I'm ALL for the Ten Commandments being posted in classrooms as long as A) The Magnificat is posted right next to it B) All the other creeds plus the Atheist also get to post their 10 things.
Oh hon, you think they give even a tiny shit about actual religion?
Oh hon, this is very much their actual religion, which is why it's a threat
Except that they don't actually live by their commandments. They'll happily kill, lie, steal, commit adultery, rape, and incest, make graven images, work on Sunday, swear, and covet their neighbour's stuff. They just want to fool people into thinking they believe this garbage in order to get votes.
That's still Christianity. No Christian lives by all the commandments, and it's long been widely accepted doctrine that they will be saved through faith. They are living according to the expectations of their Christian community and traditions.
The fact that another person's religious convictions and practice don't make sense or are repugnant to you doesn't mean it's not real religion. Neither "religious" nor "Christian" is a synonym for "good."
It's not really anything to do with whether or not it makes sense or is repugnant: lots of beliefs (not just religious ones) make no sense (flat-earthism) and may even be repugnant (Nazism). It's that people are credulous enough to encourage these beliefs to flourish despite the damage they do.
Christian is now a synonym for evil
Exactly. So many people make burnt offerings and then consume them -- while I find that practice barbarous and cannibalistic, these peole need to see the error of their ways on their own. Threatening them with forced conversion or death is not an effective solution.
As a practicing Catholic, and lifelong Democrat, I wish our stupid bishops would have a little more self interest, because eventually, they will come for them too
The 10 Commandments are Jewish tradition featuring Moses. If they want a list of Christian do and don'ts, I recommend Matthew 5:3–12 aka The Beatitudes. What are the odds they will go for that?
“If you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses” Hammurabi has entered the chat
And Hammurabi actually existed, with archaeological evidence to prove it, which you can't really say for Moses. Much older than either is Noah, the mythical ancestor of us all, who got a set of Seven Commandments from God after the floodwaters receded. And unlike the Ten Commandments...
...they aren't just meant for Jews, but also Righteous Gentiles. The Noahide Laws aren't set forth in the canonical Bible, only the Talmud, but I think Louisiana should consider them
I think it was my Ethics class where they said try to imagine a society that was opposite to the Ten Commandments, and this wasn't to say that they were perfect but rather they were commonplace to human values. So there's a weird fusion of Christian, and American, exceptionalism going on here.
Wasn't Moses literally fleeing oppressive laws?
Please, let’s not make the Pharaohs uncomfortable by mentioning slavery.
I did not realize until I was in my late 20s that apparently some people are extremely militant about KJV being the only valid translation
Obligatory George Carlin rant
How did you find out it's KJV? I searched and couldn't turn it up (at least not quickly). Any idea how the numbering is supposed to work for this bill?
The 10 commandments appear twice in the Bible (Exodus 20 and Deutetonomy 5) and they're not entirely consistent, so even putting interpretation and translation aside a "definitive" version is impossible.
If they're using the KJV, cue up third-graders giggling about coveting thy neighbor's ass.
Because he is not the least bit troublesome and quite the picker of nits that couldn’t possibly be used to create a divine justification for your existence. Kings are notoriously people people.
Can't wait to see what The Satanic Temple has in store for them.