
fuck neil gaiman btw
there is no celebrity you will EVER catch me defending against rape allegations bc i'm not a parasocial little freak. if you're "not sure" about their victims' claims (🙄) then just stay out of it. this is not hard
and posting about how YOU'RE grieving about it... how gauche. have some dignity
This isn’t like posting about a celebrity dying of cancer before their time and how it’s sad, this is a literal predator, I feel like maybe people can sit this one out
Or maybe people are sad because it's a "him too?" It is sad. It's sad this many men are predators.
There’s a difference between that and centering your own grief rather than that of his victims when a dude turned out to be Very Bad
IDK. I think it's a rampant problem that most definitely will trigger people's PTSD on the topic. Of course your own grief will make an appearance. Both things can exist at the same time and share in the solidarity of this epidemic of SA we have.
Never mind. What I'm trying to explain is really not important compared to the main topic at hand. I was just trying to give grace to people who have their own SA PTSD triggered by seeing a beloved celebrity being a horrible person. <3
#HimToo I like this. Thank you. And yes, it's sad 😕 Thank goodness now we're actually getting a glimpse of what a patriarchy does to us all.
So... do you think people are all happy, thriving, connected, and quite equal in terms of money and influence - in our current system? 'Patriarchy' - perhaps a lot of men hear that word and feel implicated, when actually everyone's trapped! I'm trying to get my head around your puzzling comment.
Watching lots of true crime stuff with my wife, almost every show has the obligatory "I never suspected him/her" from a friend of the accused. Even if the criminal is a serial killer, the killer doesn't kill *everyone* they know. Other than my time as a juror on a murder trial, I stay out of it.
Oof. I went to unfollow but I guess I did that already because he's more active than a chat bot. Being a creep of that calibre is an instant "Nope"