
fuck neil gaiman btw
there is no celebrity you will EVER catch me defending against rape allegations bc i'm not a parasocial little freak. if you're "not sure" about their victims' claims (🙄) then just stay out of it. this is not hard
and posting about how YOU'RE grieving about it... how gauche. have some dignity
This isn’t like posting about a celebrity dying of cancer before their time and how it’s sad, this is a literal predator, I feel like maybe people can sit this one out
Or maybe people are sad because it's a "him too?" It is sad. It's sad this many men are predators.
There’s a difference between that and centering your own grief rather than that of his victims when a dude turned out to be Very Bad
IDK. I think it's a rampant problem that most definitely will trigger people's PTSD on the topic. Of course your own grief will make an appearance. Both things can exist at the same time and share in the solidarity of this epidemic of SA we have.
#HimToo I like this. Thank you. And yes, it's sad 😕 Thank goodness now we're actually getting a glimpse of what a patriarchy does to us all.
Watching lots of true crime stuff with my wife, almost every show has the obligatory "I never suspected him/her" from a friend of the accused. Even if the criminal is a serial killer, the killer doesn't kill *everyone* they know. Other than my time as a juror on a murder trial, I stay out of it.
Oof. I went to unfollow but I guess I did that already because he's more active than a chat bot. Being a creep of that calibre is an instant "Nope"
I can understand that a lot of people are hesitant to believe the ultimately completely unsourced and sketchily worded Tortoise article, but apparently the things he's directly told Rolling Stone in the past are on their own pretty Not Great, even if they're legal.
We literally just had on here someone who used their clout as a minor celebrity on a niche microblogging website to sleep with people and be a creep. It is absolutely not a shock if a rich and famous man sleeps with fans who could be his grandchildren, and it ain't great.
The thing is even if they’re not being truthful, HE confirmed that there was a “relationship.” And that’s pretty messed up all by itself. His version of events is still pretty fucking bad actually
This. The best it could be is that he’s a gross creep. Thats the absolute best outcome. What are you defending?
Saying nothing is literally free
“Stay out of it” would legit make the internet more peaceful
Ben Franklin advocated for our national slogan to be placed on money should not be “e pluribus unum” but rather “mind your business”
I thought you were joking, how is that literally true
franklin had a bunch of business he didnt want others minding
RIP Ben Franklin, you would have loved private quote RT and probably four lokos
The trick is to never build your entire personality around being a fan of someone else.
Why would I make my personality around being a fan of someone else when I'm not even a fan of me?
This is ultimate zen enlightenment, now nobody can disappoint you, not even yourself.
I haven't even read a thing his victims have said. Like a 50 year old man having a relationship with his 22 year old au pair is just plain wrong.
Seriously, even if you are personal friends with the victim or accused rapist you can’t know for sure it didn’t happen. Unless you are literally a witness to the alleged crime or an alibi against it, don’t start throwing doubt around like that!
He raped the nanny ffs. How are we defending this? He even admitted some of it. Wtf is wrong with you? Nobody’s shit is that good.
the man’s a predator! he said so himself!!
to gaiman’s credit he was very forthcoming with details about “consensually” hooking up with the nanny who was dependent on him for money and housing
i was a nanny for 3 different families and this is the nightmare that everyone dreads happening to them
I'm going to assume that "everyone" here means "everyone who's working as a nanny"? Because I could also see it as being a nightmare for the families as well.
Could be. I know a lot of younger nannies have trouble getting work because wives fear their husband's wandering dick.
the fact that this was something he was just open about shows how fucked he and so many other men in power are in the head
these are the details he thinks make him look Good, it’s bonkers!
Oh yeah, even if he was being honest with that "relationship", that would be totally fucked up. I hate how that's such a popular "fantasy" - fucking the nanny or the maid, etc. Gives me the creeps. Men need to stop confusing real life and porn... Jfc
His side of the story, if taken as gospel, is fucking disgusting and worthy of this post. And we all know that he isn't giving us everything.
I’m so disgusted. I have a hard time enjoying art by creeps - rapists, racists, etc. Once I know it colors everything by them - paintings, movies, books, whatever. It’s the curse of modern art for me. I can know too much about the creator.
I *can't* enjoy it unless they died before I was born, and then that knowledge informs how I read/view/see/etc. everything by them. That's why I was able to read HP Lovecraft to my kid as bedtime stories, and why we also discussed his MANY prejudices as we went along.
Huh, so him being a zionist (or at the bare minimum being one of those celebrities that was all "oct 7 justifies all actions taken in the future, and also the past") was just the tip of the shitberg
I missed that jesus what a shitshow
Perhaps I misspoke, I tried to find it and it looks like he "only" supports a 2-state solution, but like isn't that still zionism?
wishing neil gaiman a merry rot in piss
He's my favorite author. And fuck him.
Wait... wtf is all THIS about?