caitlin mcgrane

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caitlin mcgrane

researcher at rmit & deakin. interested in gender, technology and everyday life. ultra-marathoner in my spare time 🌿
Europe digesting the US presidential debate
A colleague/friend from the Uni of Southern Denmark is studying digital audio entertainment and she needs participants in a brief survey. Participate anoymously here:
For #PrivacyAwarenessWeek I spoke to ABC Radio Perth yesterday about Google finally rolling out their 'Results About Me' tool which allows individuals to request Google remove specific instances of websites hosting personally identifiable information about them.
New tool allows more control over what appears when your name is Googled - ABC What comes up when you google yourself? If there's something of concern, the search engine now offers a way for you to request that link is removed.
Call for participants! I'm helping to organise this workshop at RMIT on 23/5 as part of Melbourne Design Week with Larissa Hjorth & Jed Brubaker. It's on AI + the afterlife and will be good fun. Sign up here:
Gendered harms including online abuse and domestic violence are serious problems that require connected but divergent solutions. This approach from the govt just ain't it. Reeks of untested, panicked approaches, not drawing on expertise or evidence base.
Every generation aging into crankery means you have people who grew up with Grace Jones and Prince going “wasn’t none of this gender stuff in my day”
Apologies to everyone but I am now someone who emoji reacts to emails in Outlook instead of replying whenever possible
To most, that price tag probably sounds absurd. But "in the minds of many, Harvard, Stanford, and Yale are analogous to Louis Vuitton, Ferrari, and Hermès." That's what these parents are buying for their kids--a luxury brand. (
Elite educational consultants are charging parents upwards of $120,000 a year to coach their kids into Ivy League schools by curating their extracurriculars, helping them land internships, craft essays and more
Inventing the Perfect College For $120,000 a year, Christopher Rim promises to turn any student into Ivy bait.
"Automation" is a piss poor excuse for this kind of sexism. It's concerning that orgs/people seem to already be falling back on the claim that rogue AI is making choices that no one is picking up.
Sam Altman’s vision for AI proliferation will require a lot more computation and the energy to power it. He admitted it at Davos, but he said we shouldn’t worry: an energy breakthrough was coming, and in the meantime we could just use “geoengineering as a stopgap.” That should set off alarm bells.
Sam Altman's self-serving vision of the The OpenAI CEO expects the most marginalized to pay the price of his ambition
The Association of Internet Researchers invites submissions for our 25th annual conference, #AoIR2024: Industry (Sheffield, UK, 30 October - 2 November, 2024), which will take place at the University of Sheffield. The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2024. Details:
Beyond chuffed with myself for finishing in the top 10 of a tough ultramarathon yesterday. 56km in the blazing sun, through sand, up hills and dodging snakes 🐍
My sister is a midwife and I hear some truly HORRIFIC things whenever we catch up. The main lesson she has taught me: NEVER go private.
Every time you ask a woman about pregnancy or childbirth she’ll go “Oh it wasn’t so bad, I was actually really lucky. All that happened was—“ and then tell the most terrifying story you’ve ever heard.
Uber: we can't make money if we have to follow the law Google: we can't make money if we're not allowed to be a monopoly Nestle: we can't make money without using slave labor OpenAI: we can't make money if we can't steal media: should shoplifters be executed?
One of my biggest pet peeves with tech discourse is the way some texts collapse all uses of smartphones down to things coded as vapid or self-isolating e.g. selfies, social media and music. I'm reading a book where the author describes people using smartphones as "zombies" and I'm like 🫠🫠🫠
Petition to honor Michael Shannon every Jan. 6
Explaining the academic book publishing rort to my husband (not an academic) and his reactions are top notch: "So you're meant to WRITE a BOOK in your spare time????" "Surely someone thinks this is a little iffy" "How is this allowed?"
If you are a college/university administrator, and you don't have a detailed, specific plan for dealing with online campaigns and targeted harassment, you are failing as a leader. And this means educating your Boards on how all this works, too. Lead, don't crumble. Because they'll come for you, too.
Nearly 50 years since the Combahee River Collective wrote “If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression,” and all we’ve gotten is fascists who took note and a media that didn’t.
The NY Times and other media that treated Gay's academic misconduct as a national story were an essential part of the right wing campaign to have her removed. Compare how they treated the President of Stanford, who faced much more serious accusations of academic misconduct.
We likely already have more than a 'thousands Mozarts,' but many lack the time or financial resources to express their talent, often working for minimum wage at disgusting companies like Amazon.
The deepfake crisis for women and girls has grown tremendously. It isn’t mentioned in most AI discourse, even though it’s the primary use of deepfakes by far. Now, it is being used to victimize dozens of teen girls. The perpetrators include their male classmates
For teen girls victimized by ‘deepfake’ nudes, there is little The FBI has warned that technology used to create pornographic deepfake photos and videos was improving and being used for harassment and sextortion.
Was fully going to put this in a presentation about AI in everyday life until I realised it said "cunt" 😂
This is the most accurate image AI has ever generated
Wow it's almost as if the panic about ultra-processed foods was premature??? "Experts said the findings showed that regarding all UPF products as bad for health is unwise and unwarranted."
Some ultra-processed foods are good for your health, WHO-backed study Bread and cereals – which are heavily processed – reduce risk of multimorbidity due to fibre content