Spirit Being Material Experience

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Spirit Being Material Experience


Being of Stardust become Clay of Earth, Imbued with Spirit. Geologist (retired), Carpenter (retired), Architect (retired); Dances of Universal Peace (leader). Wood heat. Politics, science, personality, mental health, spirit/Great Mystery.
All men are created equal except in the twisted minds of the SCOTUS.
Upholding our Responsibilities is Vital for Keeping our Republic.
PSA: Autocorrect can be turned off. This provides a reasonable alternative to hating it. Autocorrect and Automobile can both automate certain aspects of your life, yet they both also require attention to keep each from running wild and ruining your life. Neither is required. Use of each is a choice.
War represents the very lowest form of politics.
Why can't we supposedly intelligent, wise humans learn to get along with each other?
How we choose to travel. In North America, we really like our cars. We don't really have other good options. Our past choices have limited our options! We have gotten ourselves into this situation. Are we going to work to develop other options? It's literally a matter of sustainability and survival.
How People Get Around in America, Europe, and Asiawww.visualcapitalist.com Examining how people get around using cars, public transit, and walking or biking, and the regional differences in usage.
When you really do have the wolf out there ...
Date: April 22, 2024 New York Courts to Publish Daily Transcripts of Trump Trial
This is a great presentation on academic freedom and freedom of speech. Well worth spending an hour on for a better understanding.
Trump has pushed things waaaaay too far with his court cases and everything else he has done since way before he ever ran for the privilege of sitting in OUR Oval Office. ARREST TRUMP ! LOCK HIM UP !
What The Hell Did You Expect Me To Do? A statement by Chris Kratzer about how Evangelical Christians do not do as they say, and how they condemn anyone who does try to live the teachings of Jesus.
It's Spring Equinox! We have arrived at the beginning of astronomical spring according to the relative alignments of Earth and Sun. Our days are lengthening very quickly now, after enduring the relative darkness of another Winter that brought us the usual long nights, but very little cold or snow.
From Trump's driver on Jan. 6— “The thing that sticks out most was he kept asking why we couldn’t go, why we couldn’t go, and that he wasn’t concerned about the people that were there or referenced them being Trump people or Trump supporters.” Ahhh, so they weren't tourists and they weren't Antifa!
Testimony Fleshes Out Account of Trump’s Demand to Go to Capitol on Jan. 6www.nytimes.com But a newly released transcript of an interview of the Secret Service agent who drove Donald Trump’s vehicle that day disputes that he tried to grab the steering wheel or lunged at another agent.
A plea for re-establishing permanent Standard Time
A plea for re-establishing permanent Standard Time
"The Supreme Court has effectively replaced a very high bar for allowing insurrectionists into federal office — a supermajority vote by Congress — with the lowest bar imaginable: congressional inaction."
Opinion | The Supreme Court Just Erased Part of the Constitutionwww.nytimes.com Its ruling on Trump’s eligibility for the presidency contradicts the clear language of the 14th Amendment.
This might be of interest to folks here. In particular, I wonder if @jay.bsky.team and others on the team might consider implementing a "Trust" and "Distrust" buttons for us to click on. Having only a 🤍 so far is rather limiting. Do we love it, or simply appreciate it being posted?
‘Just because we are used to something, doesn’t make it OK’ | BPSwww.bps.org.uk
The gravity of this situation is minuscule: 30 quintillionths of a newton of force on a particle less than a millimeter wide. Not yet quantum scale, but their technique works, so all they need to do is scale it – downward – if they can.
Quantum physics makes small leap with microscopic gravity measurementwww.theguardian.com Experiment records minuscule gravitational pull as a step to understanding how force operates at subatomic level
🇺🇦 EU Leaders are wavering over whether or not to seize $300 billion in frozen Russian assets and give them to Ukraine. Add your name to the growing list of people who are encouraging these leaders to make Vladimir Putin pay for destroying so much of Ukraine. Over 156,000 people have already signed.
🇺🇦 Make Putin Pay - add your namesecure.avaaz.org G7 leaders are soon meeting to discuss a plan to seize Russian state assets. Key EU leaders are hesitant, let's show them that although Putin doesn't want them to do it, we do!
How great has each of our 45 presidents been?
Our Minnesota mis-Representative Pete Stauber is leading an effort to strip protections from the gray wolf. He is catering to hunters who claim "there are too many wolves and they're killing all the deer. Also some farmers are angry that they are losing some livestock to deer.
Stauber leading effort to strip protections from the gray wolfwww.minnpost.com Hunters say an increasing population of wolves has decimated the deer population and  killed livestock and even pets.
2023 ended with 7 months in a row that were the hottest ever measured. 2023 was the hottest year in over a century and a half. 2024 has started with the hottest January ever measured. The early February daily Sea Surface Temperature broke a record high set in August 2023. 1/3
2024 Begins With More Record Heat Worldwidewww.nytimes.com On the heels of Earth’s warmest year, January was the eighth month in a row in which global temperatures blew past previous records.
February 2 and the temperature dropped down to -60°F in Tower, Minnesota, USA (28 years ago, 1996). I still have my survival T-shirt. That official temperature was registered 20 miles from my house. The low last night this year was +21°F.
So ... will contributions to the Trump treasury continue as in the past, or will they rise or fall?
Dear MAGA: Now, every time you give money to Trump — you’re really giving it to E. Jean Carroll — and soon, to the state of New York. Hugs n kisses, Everyone else