
The TERF argument relies entirely on secret, unprovable assertions. As long as everyone else is a secret pervert, they can be discounted. They deny it? That's exactly what a secret pervert WOULD say.
The thread she's responding to isn't particularly helpful either. I think the reason some men are criticizing TERFs is because trans people can already access bathrooms and women's shelters and we don't see them committing sexual assault! TERFs are lying; that's why they're being criticized.
Addressing TERF arguments is extremely frustrating because of this. She's literally just arguing that policy be based around her feelings. I don't doubt she feels threatened but that's just not enough to drive people from public life, sorry.
They'll respond that well it's about feelings on the trans side and sure, it is but if it were ONLY that then it'd be a very different situation. Instead it's about existing in a public context, it's about bodily autonomy. It's about accurate documentation. It's about work and school.
I fundamentally do not care if you think I'm real or not. I do care about having a goddamn ID that doesn't out me to every cop. I care about being able to exist in the same way cis people do. I care about making my own choices about my body. Your validation is irrelevant to those.