
I am *way* too deep in transphobe lore and even I don't know what the fuck she's talking about here
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
The thread she's responding to isn't particularly helpful either. I think the reason some men are criticizing TERFs is because trans people can already access bathrooms and women's shelters and we don't see them committing sexual assault! TERFs are lying; that's why they're being criticized.
I have no clue what they're talking about
They're really going full "they're all perverts" aren't they?
I think that's genuinely the strategy they're trying to pivot to. I'm seeing it more and more. They want to frame this all as a sick choice.
Trying to go "I'm not the sicko for trying to see people's genitals in public they are the sickos for having genitals". Guess they finally figured out everybody saw them as creepy freaks with a sick obsession
Seems like a lot of work for a fetish.
And I can only speak for myself but the realization I am trans led to a period of time that was so dark that it almost killed me. If I were in a state without informed consent, it probably would have.
I mean, I'm pre-everything still for stupid reasons and am in a better place mentally than I've ever been but I don't think people realize they have a fetish and end up suicidal because of it
They will keep the mythical 'real trans woman who hates all this woke nonsense' locked in a vault deep underground to preserve their plausible deniability that they are just talking about the men who are pretending to be trans but are really perverts
I mean it *could* just be that I want people to live their true and authentic lives and be happy, or it could be whatever the hell all that was. Hard to say, really.
i have never met a trans woman who spends even half as much time thinking about us as the hikikomori transphobes do. it’s a truly absurd level of single-minded fixation that still manages to boggle my mind.
They manage to understand Trans people, women, AND men all at the same time. Kinda impressive in how stupid it is.
I can barely parse what trans-exclusionary radical means.
I asked my dentist, a fiery feminist, what she thought about trans women in her “intimate spaces.” Was she nervous? Upset by different genitalia? She looked at me like I was crazy. “I never see any!” she said, “We have separate stalls! It’s none of my business. I don’t look, I don’t care!” 🎯
this is how everyone sane feels. i don't think about other people's takes unless im about to get sexy with them - it just doesn't matter and it's none of my business!
takes should be genitals? why is autocorrect like this!
Only worrying about other people's takes when you're about to get sexy with them seems like a good way to not get sexy with people 😀
hahaha for real though, maybe that's why i'm not getting laid 😹 (it was supposed to say i don't worry about genitals and autocorrect said a different truth)
On Bluesky, takes should definitely not be genitals
It's sorcery! You transmogrified genitals to takes!
Every time they argue about how trans people can enter women's bathrooms I just visualize a man who is intent on nefarious deeds, looking at the 'women's bathroom' sign and going 'ah shucks I was this close. Damnit sign!' Anyway if JK is in there definitely go in there and steal her wallet.
Exactly. This TERF rhetoric drives me up a wall. Women have never and are never 100% safe is public spaces. Including bathrooms! What world are they living in? And you’re just making it more unsafe with this shit.
And of the subset of humans “rapists who will follow their victims into public bathrooms” exactly zero of them have ever been stopped by realizing they forgot to wear their raping-in-the-restroom drag that day
Exactly. The power is in presenting as a cisgendered man. I worked in a bookstore and a cisgendered presenting man followed a cisgendered presenting woman into the bathroom to take pictures of her in the stall. Super easy when the patriarchy already empowers you.
It just makes me think of when I used to go clubbing, and men's bathrooms became unisex every time the line outside the women's was too long, and the *only* complaints were that women broke the rules of men's toilets by talking in there.
That this post was a reply makes it all the more unhinged, because the OP wasn't even talking about kink. Like, at all!
They are obsessed with kink tho. I mean the fact that they think anyone enjoying any kind of kink is bad (while still reading it themselves HELEN JOYCE I'm looking at you) kind of cements their position on the political spectrum, even without anything else.
That first post is especially wild as it essentially says: “Some men are saying we’re bullies just because they know what bullying looks like.”
Yes! And then the assertion of “projection”, which I believe the non-brainstormed among us call “sympathy”. It’s wild.
Brain WORMED, not brainstormed
i couldn't see the OP (Victoria)'s post because she's blocked me on twitter but this is wildly ...i don't even have words.
I have lots you can borrow, but none of them would get past network TV censors unbleeped
I loved's comment on the order of, "I see you're worried about sexual assault. What work are you doing against that?" This is all such nonsense. I'm much more worried about some rando coming at me while I'm running/cycling. I'm GOOD in the bathroom!
To be fair when TERFs talk about "men" criticizing them you also have to count all of us cis women that they call men for daring to disobey their ideology.
JK and her ilk talk in the most curtains-drawn, 23-hours-a-day-in-front-of-computer voice imaginable, a world fully concocted of lurid fantasy, isolation and resentment
British TERFdom sees women as delicate flowers at best, moronic braindead children at worst. Who must be protected from the potential rapist lurking in every corner (wearing a dress, of course). Ready to helicopter their massive dongs in their fragile faces. Reads to me more like a fetish/fantasy.
I read his reaction as "tf I know about what my friends want in the bedroom? I'm not having sex with them, not my business, & as sex is incredibly varied, I can't assume," & JK misreading & saying she's the damn Straight Male Sex Whisperer, I guess
Ahh yes the empathy fail is those criticizing the terfs sure sure
You see when you empathize with someone who is not me, well, that's just projection
There is an unspoken link of thought from heterosexual sex to kink to sexual "deviance" as inherently violent against women to trans people as fetish that's... telling.
real strong incel vibes here, tbh
"They literally expect us to switch off our wariness on the basis of what someone is wearing" I feel like Victoria had to bite her lip to stop herself from saying "and the color of their skin" in this one.
Bruh I was bullied by men in grade school but I certainly wasn't bullied by trans women 🤔
Brainworms working hard on that idea that EVERY male has a physical advantage over EVERY female. Is there a penis-based martial art class that I skipped?
this part of the thread was the bit that stuck out to me. like what on earth. hey JK, maybe this guy you know... didn't have any involvement with those books? maybe reading about something is different to being suddenly grilled on the topic by a acquaintance? she's... just so unwell, my goodness
I can see how the idea of extending sympathy to other people would be alien to Rowling.
this bizarre "high status/low status" men thing this person is on is oddly manosphere? like, I haven't seen this specific kind of faux analysis of How Men Relate to Men much outside of it. strange hybrid ideologies out there these days.
Incredible projection, you could see it on the moon
‘A massive empathy fail’ eh