
And angry ‘cause the strike action is designed to “cause damage”.
It’s almost as if the union’s tactics are designed to put pressure on the employer! Shocking.
Please explain how the tentative deal in May wasn't good enough? Highest paid in the country and got their work life balance demands. And then to flat out lie, say they'd meet at arbitration and then walk to ensure the people who actually allow them to have jobs get screwed... F them
The deal wasn’t good enough because they voted against accepting it. That’s the way contracts work. Offer and acceptance, basic requirements for a contract. WestJet could’ve avoided this on a long weekend by not waiting til last week for a meaningful offer. It’s all business, and Westjet knows it.
Oh and BTW, 20% would have taken the average (109) to 130k+ a year. That's literally more in a RAISE than the annual take home of some FT retail/service jobs
Do you let other people decide how much you will be paid? I assume no. I don’t think you understand how contracts work.
I think whining about a raise that is orders of magnitude more than most people see, when you're already making 6 figures, and screwing over hundreds of thousands of people to have your tantrum... It's pathetic. Again, they could have done this a month ago, but it wasn't "busy" enough.
It sounds like your tantrum is because you wish you were in a union.
20 % was meaningful. They could have done the strike 4 weeks ago, whining about 20% being "unfair". They waited until it would cripple the company. The mechanics union is no better than the trash longshoremen union in Vancouver... Screw the public in the most disgusting way, to blackmail the boss
Negotiations started September 7, 2023. Only after WestJet unsuccessfully challenged before the labor board and then in court the members right to unionize. Classic corporate nonsense. They are not the good guys.
I never said they were. In fact I've said I hate the new ownership. That doesn't change the fact that the workers striking this weekend are worse
Napping is a management stooge.
No, peanut. What I am is a person who thinks anybody whining that a raise to 130k from 109 "isn't enough", and then actively screws over hundreds of thousands of people who were about to use the service that allows them to be employed with no warning, are garbage, and can all rot in a hole
Who lied? Where did the union say they wouldn’t strike? The minister of labour ordered the parties to binding arbitration, but the order says nothing about strikes. WestJet knew this, but are now acting like victims in the media because it is convenient, and you are falling for it.
They LITERALLY SAID they would wait and meet with the federal arbitrator, YESTERDAY
Like I said..they LIED. Screw the union and every member who voted to strike, a day after lying and saying they wouldn't
Nothing there is a statement from the union saying they won’t strike.
Ah, I see, you mean this: “Given this, a strike or lockout will not occur," the airline said in a statement, "and the airline will no longer proceed in cancelling flights.” That says “the airline”. They don’t speak for the union.