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Hwaet! She/her. Prairie girl, nerd, weirdo, aspiring gothling.
Waging war on the brainweasels, one skirmish at a time.
Reposted byAvatar Hadespuppy
I switched from adobe creative cloud to affinity several years back and have not regretted it one bit.
Attention design and graphic types (particularly @joescaramanga.bsky.social) just seen Affinity now have a 6 month free trial, which is pretty good if looking for Adobe alternatives not full of bullshit AI. affinity.serif.com/en-gb/trial/
Affinity Free Trial | Now Six Months, No Obligationaffinity.serif.com Subscription-free photo editing, page layout, graphic design and illustration apps for professionals. Try for free or buy for one low payment.
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ACAB. The penguins are innocent.
Important penguin news
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This is the unintended consequence of the intended disinformation these companies peddle. Chatbots are not search engines and are incapable of delivering reliably factual info because that isn’t their function. That’s not how they were designed. Like training a dog to howl the national anthem.
Well this is grim
Reposted byAvatar Hadespuppy
When terrible people go to therapy and use it to defend being terrible, this is exactly the kind of shit they pull. "The patriarchy means that asking me to choose my child over their abuser is misogyny, actually."
i do not support all women, some of you enable pedophiles
Reposted byAvatar Hadespuppy
Unrelated to Nome’s point but Misfits and Magic also has one of the most epic moments in actual play podcast history. This is barely a spoiler if you haven’t watched it.
One of the things I love most about the Dimension 20 "misfits and magic" season is that after the teens reveal the abuse and manipulation of the headmistress... ...she's still headmistress. Still wealthy, still powerful. Their hard-earned victory is that there's now some minimal official oversight.
Evan Ruins A Kid's Whole Career- Misfits and Magicyoutu.be "If you're not gonna concede, what do you want me to tell your family?" Highlight from Misfits and Magic episode 4. Dimension 20 can be found on Dropout! Go check it out, the whole show is real good.
The amounts are miniscule, but the fact that we have never bothered to do the research to find out if this is actually a problem is the real problem here.
I looked over the actual report and yeah, this is very concerning. There is no safe exposure level to lead. The authors note it's not known how much gets absorbed into the body via tampon use because that research has never been done. It's maddening how research on women's health is lacking.
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Also in this issue, I learned via @katharinehayhoe.com about how renewables (wind+solar) are taking off and pushing out coal+methane use in California. It's a very, very hopeful sign.
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Also, immigrants produced this victory. The actual people who produced this victory were the West Africans & North Africans in France who banded together to fight the far right threat. It's not the time for white people to do their happy smiley let's celebrate revolutionary French people thing.
Notice France didn’t “reject identity” Didn’t bargain Didn’t deride concerns about imperialism Didn’t treat concerns about inequality as grudges didn’t say soft voice bullshit Protect immigrants Feed babies TAX THE RICH
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It's only a Flambé Loup-Garou if it comes from the Champagne region of France, otherwise it's just a...
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I feel like the trick with Project 2025 is exactly the same as the WGA strike. little snippet screencaps going viral all over normie social media that make some shocking thing you had no idea about instantly digestible to anyone regardless of their information level or background
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does anybody have any good tips for remembering the thing you were just going to do?
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most people do not want the far right, the far right exploits fractures in other parties to make gains and attempt to seize power, and if what the left did here worked the lesson should be you can beat them with a unified front that says not today, assholes
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
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Well France apparently just collabed between everyone else to kick a far right party out of the chance to take power, it can be done if enough people want it to be, folks
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Did you know that Trayvon Martin was interested in aviation & space? Working in the aviation industry? That he had his own flight suit from NASA? The Exhibit set to end/close in August, 2024 #AfroFuturism Go see it before it does
Trayvon Martin’s Flight Suit Will Be Displayed At This New Smithsonian Exhibit | Essencewww.essence.com
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Technically, not on the counter Also technically, a fragile jelly bean
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FUCK OUI and fuck the front national
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Accelerationists should be clear on what they're willing to accelerate
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
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"alpha male" this, "sigma male" that, just admit that you saw trans people inventing cool genders and got jealous
Reposted byAvatar Hadespuppy
I swear I was at a beach well-known here in Newfoundland for humpback whales because there's a super steep drop-off mere meters away from shore so they can come up incredibly close while feeding on capelin but all of my photos look fake as hell because it looks impossible 🌿
Reposted byAvatar Hadespuppy
Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine
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So a thing about AI is that, not understanding the material itself, it cannot understand what the gap is in someone else’s understanding. Students already have access to materials that will repeat important points over and over. They don’t need more.
Reposted byAvatar Hadespuppy
If you like to learn about the universe in ~5 minute videos, check out my new series!
The first episode of my new video series, Cosmology 101, is out now! This one is about cosmic expansion. Check it out and subscribe to the Perimeter Institute’s YouTube channel to get the whole series! youtu.be/7GC8XOKwRpM?... #Cosmology101
Expansion of the Universe Explained | Cosmology 101 Episode 1youtu.be In this episode of Cosmology 101, we dive into the concept of an expanding universe. From the first moments of the Big Bang, our cosmos has been stretching i...
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Miss Piggy definitely reads sexy romance novels.
Reposted byAvatar Hadespuppy
Like I've been saying: Give southerners a chance. We're not backward yokals. Some of the most fiercely liberal people I know are in the Deep South. I guess that's what happens when you have generation after generation living in poverty. All dems need to do is talk to folks the right way. That's it.
Remember: Texas is not a red state. Texas is a massively voter-suppressed state, with a lot of people working very hard and very thanklessly to fix that.