Alex Cochran

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Alex Cochran

Alex Cochran (he/him) is the pseudonym of the less spellable Alex Weinle, a writer based in Cambridge. My debut novel is THE POLLUTANT SPEAKS from Bee Orchid Press. Longlisted for the BSFA awards.
I'm not entirely sure what to make of this. Someone pointed out to me today that if you take Evans #mental problems as seriously delusional... He could be the bad guy of The Pollutant Speaks. I mean the reader is always right. Right? Aren't they? #sf #reviews #reading
The Pollutant Read it now
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Got a book (space opera) coming out September 24 and looking to do a few more interviews about it. If you've got a podcast or interview site you'd like me to be on, I'm open! DM me deets and we'll work it out.
I'd like to set up a dedicated corner for #recording #narration in my home office but it does need to "fold away" when not in use. Any ideas?
Reposted byAvatar Alex Cochran
The British People write the name of the person they want to be Prime Minister on a piece of paper, then David Attenborough collects all the pieces of paper and takes them to Buckingham Palace. There, the Monarch eats them all and lays an egg, which hatches into a new government.
Are you a daughter-in-law? Or almost anything in law? Take a page out of my wife's book. When she takes a photo of my dad, she says, "Wow, you look so much like Paul Newman." #wifehack
Bee 1: I'm going down to the Moss later, you in? Bee 2: Let me check with the Queen.
Want to see a bunch of honey bees getting a drink then relaxing on some moss?
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these Tory election leaflets are becoming increasingly desperate I feel
Did I? Yes. Almost without hesitation I flicked the switch.
Following Norfolk naming standards, I name this place Yellabusbyoakington.
Who would have thought happiness was writing in a school bus? 💭
I realise now that with great editing comes great responsibility.
When poetry destroys the status quo in China, will people stop saying that poetry (and art) achieves nothing?
Look, #writer types, I know noone likes to have their characters proscribed to them... But the Chocolate Little Owl needs to become a trope. Any takers?
It's worth checking out the Daily Telegraph headlines to see how difficult it is to be a Tory journalist nowadays. A masterclass in evasion.
Wow. Wimbledon Common has really CHANGED in the last year or two. 😉
Coming soon on the blog - mountains, robots, gods, magic and more
It's a 1952 Gibson jazz box. Talked to its lovely owner. Needless to say, it's not for sale. #guitar #envy
#Horses have arrived at the pub. Is this an exotic way to avoid drink driving laws? I am a tiny bit afraid of large animals.
I have a great Quella single speed with posh frame that's doing nothing if someone wants it. #cambridge Custom green. Free and sad that it's not being ridden.
I'm probably going to aim for is a poor man's version of this over time, but with the gears still attached. First order of business is handlebars & some new tires/tubes and a toddler seat.
There is a short story that I wrote years ago and shelved. Now I'm longing to find it and I suspect it's in an old discarded laptop. There's a moral in there somewhere.
I think people also feel I need something to do in my downtime, just because I'm staring into space. That's mental repair time from overuse!
There was a period of time when all of a sudden my friends decided I was a jigsaw kind of guy and got me 1000-piece puzzles, and not only am I not a jigsaw kind of guy, it turns out I find them irrationally irritating, like, I ALREADY THINK FOR LIVING WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME THINK IN MY DOWN TIME
It's #friday and time to play "drink your royalties"!
Weeeell, git off your horse and drink my blood.
Not enough adaptations of Dracula have a cowboy in them. Which wouldn't be weird, except that the original book has a cowboy in it.
Avatar somebody please ask Reform what their position is on the hand dryers in the Crown & Tribute.
Manifesto 2024 — Count
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as soon as people find out you have telekinetic powers every weekend it's "heeyyy could you help me levitate something today" and "sorry it's such short notice but could you come by later and slide a coffee cup across my table"
Ladies and jelly spoons, it is June 17th and finally the first summer's day in England. #willthesunevershine Let joy be unconfined.