Kameron Hurley

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Kameron Hurley


Amateur gardener. Professional ad copywriter. Award-winning novelist | kameronhurley.com
Reading a book that reframes "having a nervous breakdown" as "having a positive disintegration," which happens when people break inside to give them the opportunity to reorganize their lives into something more authentic and sustainable and... I mean, that tracks. Doesn't always work, but tracks.
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Also, if trolls are trying to pit different marginalized groups against each other on this platform, let’s work together to root those fuckers out. I have to believe that at the end of the day we all chose to use this app because we want better for ourselves and each other.
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I keep reading this and every time I get to "She ate the whole man" I start sobbing with laughter It's not that it's funny, perfectly unremarkable behaviour for many varieties of arthropods, it's just SHE ATE THE WHOLE MAN
She ate the whole man. There are a few wings at the bottom of the enclosure, but he's just GONE.
Someone joined me for a quick afternoon break.
😂 I saw one where they were asking a guy about some beef on Twitter and he's like "I'm not on Twitter and I don't care about anything that happens there." 😆
I was listening to an interview with a famous person of a sort, and the interviewer asked them about an ongoing blow up, and the dude was like "I don't know anything about that, it's outside of my lane, can you tell me about it?" "Uhh, well let's just move on." I was like "I will remember that!"
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"Yelling is the illusion of action" I feel this in my bones. I've been trying to do more invisible doing and less visible shouting.
I have shit to DO. When I started to ask myself what outcome I wanted/expected from my online short form yelling it made me think about what I was putting myself thru, and to what end. Yelling FEELS like action. It's the ILLUSION of action. I have better places for that energy, including longer form
There was a peacock that lived next to my grandparents' house and I can still imitate its call, which I recently realized when my husband asked what they sound like 😂.
Kevin, the neighborhood peacock, was feelin himself til he realized we were the only ones watching
"I'm not obliged to say anything about any subject at all" has been an extremely freeing mantra. Said this in an interview once when asked about some drama or other: "I don't know enough about that to comment." It COMPLETELY took interviewer by surprise. She didn't know how to respond 🤣
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Speaking of prime day deals, y'all may know that I am a passionate supporter of our local LGBTQ+ affirming public charter school. They are about to start their 4th year & are slowly building their theater department! Their wishlist has several prime day deals! www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/...
Check out my list on Amazonwww.amazon.com
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Immediately requested my library buy this book due to meme, you should feel good about your life choices!
I only plant the Giant Hawaii marigolds now. They are massive and easy to grow from seed! www.rareseeds.com/marigold-see...
looks like the marigolds are getting merry, too—beautiful!
They have one job!!!
We have been reliably informed by the airline that all of us have seats for our next flight. Excellence in air travel, people. True excellence.
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Big congratulations to @sandratayler.bsky.social! STRUCTURING LIFE TO SUPPORT CREATIVITY just cleared the audiobook threshold! The project closes in two days, and is just 5k short of unlocking a companion workbook. www.backerkit.com/c/projects/s...
Structuring Life to Support Creativitywww.backerkit.com A resource book to help writers, artists, and other creatives make more art with less burnout.
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should i boost this meme on instagram lmao
me: i need to write me, 30 seconds later: what if i make a meme instead, this is productive and authentic bc it is self promotion but also depressing
This sunflower! Garden was busy while I was gone. It must be 8ft tall
Extremely excited for Thursday's high of 76
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goooood morning it is cool and bright and that means it’s time to party - so I’ll get my sunnies and here we go again: Dogs Want Walks
Oh that's ALL you'll be asked to copyedit.
I’m a journalism graduate who edited manuscripts for money before I needed to go to retail to pay my bills. I’ve felt little hope I’ll be able to get paid copyediting since this whole LLM stuff began. 🥲
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Idk I feel like Madeleine L’Engle taught me that I could probably learn something cool in a moon cave
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Bird book publishers: call me
We need descriptions like this in field guides
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GO TEAM!! (Team Curry that is, since Vajra and I are both with @mkcurry.bsky.social ) Honoured to have a book on the shortlist with so many other incredible authors!
We are delighted to have TWO titles shortlisted for the 2024 @ursulakleguin.bsky.social Prize! 👉 bit.ly/3Y72T72 Huge congratulations to @premeemohamed.com (THE SIEGE OF BURNING GRASS) & @vajra.me (THE SAINT OF BRIGHT DOORS! Buy the books 👇 geni.us/stbdoors geni.us/siegeburning...
LLM ventures sure do require an awful lot of WRITING jobs, don't they? At least half of the writing jobs out there are with LLMs.
I have to tell each recruiter that reaches out to me that no, I do not work on "AI", and neither do I work on blockchain, cryptocurrency, or quantum. That relieves me of a lot of my LinkedIn spam (or should, you'd think, but alas they're persistent).
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Last night was… eventful.
I appreciate the well wishes but y’all need to calm down. It’s just multiple tornados while I’m stuck on the runway in a regional jet. Big deal. I’ve slept with white men. Waaay scarier.
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I am literally an award-winning copywriter and Barnes and Noble bestseller (FOR ONE WEEK!!!) with work translated into a dozen languages and I'm making a not-insubstantial amount of money for my corp writing, and ffs THIS is what venture capital wants me to spend my time on. THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
If I have to edit one more clearly GPT'd paragraph I may gouge out my eyes.
100% the only way we will change the attention economy is to deny it our attention.
“The only winning move is not to play.”
If I have to edit one more clearly GPT'd paragraph I may gouge out my eyes.
"Why would anyone share hateful comments like this?" ::shares hateful comment:: "We shouldn't promote bad takes like this!" ::shares bad take:: "I'm so tired of everyone talking about X, Y, Z" ::shares post about X,Y,Z:: The dissonance is real 🤣 Only way out of the merry-go-round is to get off