
bringing Bibi to speak is one of the most obvious own goals I’ve ever seen in politics and it is absurd that Dem leaders in congress signed off on this he wants Biden to lose, which couldn’t possibly be more clear, and still - still! - he gets to do this with a bipartisan seal of approval
"The White House has grown anxious about Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming address to a joint session of Congress, believing the Israeli prime minister could use the forum to criticize President Joe Biden for not supporting the retaliation against Hamas in Gaza enough."
‘No one knows what he’s going to say’ – WH fears mount about Bibi’s DC The Israeli prime minister’s video this week, accusing the U.S. of withholding military aid, has raised the stakes (and the concerns) about his July 24 speech.
I am well aware that Johnson can bring him to address the House on his own but make him do that, make this look like the Republican stunt it is, make it clear this guy isn’t actually your guy when he spits in your face
Made me rethink who Jeffries and Schumer think are their base
Jeffries trying to unseat a Democratic incumbent from his own state under order from AIPAC kinda gives the game away
Jeffries endorsed Bowman last month, as did the rest of House Democratic leadership
And who writes the checks for the NY Dem machine, and that maybe we should have taken a second before allowing 2 NY Dems to be the party leaders in Congress.