
If I sing in my house Henrietta often hangs out nearby and screams at me the whole time. The Bead haaaaaaaated singing (we’d sub “Beadie” for “Baby” in songs when we wanted her to eff off and give us space) but with Hen it’s more backing vocals. “HUMAN IS IT YELLING TIME LET US YELL TOGETHER!”
Either that or she is very, very, very concerned about me. “HUMAN WHY CRYING? YOUR CRYING MAKES ME CRYING”
Somewhere I have a video of me singing “Beadie cried the day the circus came to town/‘cause she didn’t like parades just passing by her” while she sat spitefully with her face in the corner refusing to look at me while Jeremy was incapacitated by laughter, it’s the BEST.
Once as a kid I was sitting with my cat and whistled for the dog and the cat bit me on my nose. I thought it hurt her ears but even when I did the softest lowest whistle she would! Cats are the best.
I either get Jam leaving the room or very concerned, depending on the singing
she looks SO MUCH like tonks. Same wide-eyed stare.