J.L. Switzer

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J.L. Switzer


Surrounded by comics they never have time enough to read. Always tired. Writing nonsense about Robotech on the internet since the late '90s.
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I made this into a proper response to the absolutely misplaced calls to "turn down the heat": newrepublic.com/article/1838...
My first thought this morning after I remembered the news was how many people over the last few years have put their bodies between armed far right guys and kids going to the library or a bookstore
Where Were Calls for De-Escalation When Libraries Were Being Targeted?newrepublic.com Trump’s fans seem determined to blame this shooting on their victims.
Hmm, not happy to hear that the more dim-witted & evil of my state's two senators congratulated Posobiec on his alarmingly vile "un-human" speech. I swear, every time Marshall's name comes up he's showing his ass.
Yes, Jack Posobiec been using Nazi rhetoric for years now. I'm surprised he didn't once more work the 14 Words into his speech. The dangerous development is sitting Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) applauding, "Great job, Jack.”
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Just a reminder: it's actually important and good to keep calling the fascist a fascist. That his own awful rhetoric impacted him changes absolutely nothing.
Heyyyyyy, *I've* got one of those creepy-ass Pac-Men I've owned pretty much my entire life. (1982 date on the bottom, the year after I was born.) (OK, it probably was technically my parents', but somehow I don't think they miss it.)
80s merch was often fucking unhinged
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I would maybe like people to stop declaring Trump the winner of the election ahead of the fact because of this or that. Not sure that accomplishes anything. He's still a deranged fucking creepy weirdo, it's possible people don't want him back. Just please and thank you etc.
OK, the UK Part 3 dub makes the upgrade ABSOLUTELY worth it.
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Today's warmup: trying to draw the JLI from memory (to diminishing results)
Watched all of these Diaclone ads over and over again 20-some years ago on the extras of a Japanese Transformers laserdisc set -- the Powered Convoy one is probably my favorite.
It always cracks me up that American toy commercials had to have kids playing and manipulating the toys so that kids understood what the toys can and cannot do. Japanese commercials on the other hand: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AFJ...
Diaclone Battle Convoy (Optimus Prime) Original Japanese Commercialwww.youtube.com YouTube video by Bert The Stormtrooper Reviews
Diaclone Ultra Magnus/ Powered Convoyyoutu.be The G1 Ultra Magnus action figure is a redeco of the original Diaclone Line called Powered Convoy.
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Here's what we know: That he's a liar. He just makes ridiculous shit up and we publish it. Like, seriously, police level fabrication. We also know he's a white supremacist. Like, seriously, police level white supremacy.
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Cap becomes a bit enchanted by the lonely, sickly daughter of the scientist he and Sam need to capture in order to stop the potentially nation-destroying Madbomb. A little silly, a little sweet, and STILL full of clear, manic action in classic Kirby style. Damn fun comics. (400)
Wild callback in this one to Nicieza's last issue of X-Men Legends a few years ago -- the one with Sinister's clone dinner party. Wild cliffhanger here, too, though -- isn't that how that version of the title character's story began? (399)
Okay. Shit. I think I'd seen that last page already, but somehow it still came as a shock -- and there was a lot along the way there I'd managed to dodge -- like how Xavier gets out of his absolute worst moral compromise SO FAR and how it's obviously gonna pay off. (398)
Yeahhhhhh, this got published WAY outta order, and the way it plays I'm not sure if that was the plan or if "crap, this book's ready -- get it out there!" So, this is how Xavier gets his hands on Mother Righteous, gets the Sinister clone Doug, and starts his plans from No-Place. (397)
Aw crap, I've really gotta get through all these X-books before the new era starts showing up. Anyway, I found myself thinking, "boy, Ewing is doing a deep dive into Magneto's character VERY reminiscent of that DeMatteis mini not too long ago" ... and then he directly references it. Of course. (396)
Back in ACTUAL G.I. Joe, the Joes find out about the terrible fate of Dawn's parents while Helix's team gets spotted by Serpentor Khan's forces and winds up in a harrowing chase they ALMOST get out of unscathed. The usual excellent blend of action, intrigue, and occasional backstabbing. (395)
And yes, I also bought Destro, cuz more than any other '80s Joe character, the metal-masked Scottish arms dealer is My Guy. Happy to see him here sniping as usual with Cobra Commander, apparently at war w/ classic Eurotrash twits Tomax & Xamot, and with a DIFFERENT beautiful lady at his side. (394)
Had no interest in the Duke or Cobra Commander series that preceded this, but top-of-my-"always buy"-list writer Kelly Thompson on Scarlett? Okay, fine, you got me here. Terrific espionage and ninja action, tremendous kick-ass cartooning from Ferrari -- this is excellent. (393)
Bought this cuz it's Joe Casey and I still harbor a lot of affection for that dude from the early '00s. And I did have the thought at the outset, and more & more as I read it: "This is Youngblood, right?" And then I read the essay at the back (ALWAYS READ A JOE CASEY ESSAY) and, yeah. It is. (392)
From the folks behind the weird & atmospheric The Me You Love in the Dark. A slow-burn of a 1st issue in which a former gunslinger finds out she has a fatal illness and flees her family for the one way out she knows will give her more time. The extra pages are all sweep & grandeur, well spent. (391)
Awright, I'm gonna crank up some tunes and get some comic books read here, try and get my head outta the muck that's been infecting the skyline tonight. Let's see, whatta we got here first ...
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"My company is so big, you can't expect us to inspect *all* of the airplane door bolts." As with any industrial safety and compliance issue, using scale as an excuse is just admitting that you don't want to pay to hire and properly train the necessary number of inspectors.
Mark Zuckerberg is on record saying his company is so big that even if they catch 99% of malicious content tens of millions of posts would slip by. So idk, maybe that’s something to consider.
Doubling back since I got a few more issues of Kirby's '70s Cap. I swear, this whole epic that pit Cap and Sam against a vile elite dead set on destroying America from within would feel too depressingly close to home if not for the bombast, punching, and wild tech filling every blessed page. (390)
Ah, the old "oh no, sometime in the future a member of the Bat-family KILLS someone" dealie-o. That said, I trust Thompson to come up with a smart catch here. Honestly, glad that this issue finally explains the next leg of what all's been going on in the background since the start of this run. (389)
A good, fun superhero punch-up rescue operation with Power Girl and Crush -- and it's a cute touch that Crush now gets Lobo's old dog, err, Dawg. Feel like this run is REALLY hitting its stride now. Not gonna say that too loud, cuz anymore I feel like that's inviting cancellation ... (388)
Shows how much I pay attention, I didn't catch that the artist on this was Javier "drew those awesome Al Ewing Defenders books" Rodriguez! And it's VERY pretty, but y'know, mopey Zatanna is NOT my favorite mode of the character. Still, I'm sure we've got some neat trippy visuals ahead of us. (387)
Jen & Jack get the best, worst complication of all when they come home: Carol wants Jen back on the Avengers, BAD, and ... err, nobody's told Earth's Mightiest Heroes that Jack's alive again. How does it all go? Guess I'll see in the *sob* finale issue later this month. REALLY gonna miss this. (386)
Things escalate this issue, with a possible lead on who's responsible for the faux-suicides, a super-powered fight, and secrets coming out in the open. Really, REALLY loving this, and hoping it doesn't get dragged into a state of brand conformity down the road. (385)