Caro Kam

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Caro Kam

Abolition⚡TJ⚡Care⚡Social justice.

Academic, educator + Youth worker. Working to dismantle root causes of violence against children and childism.

Activist and Organizer via (check us out!)

🇵🇪@🇬🇧 / she/her
If you are unsafe after the game tonight, call the Domestic Abuse Helpline 📞 0808 2000 247
Reposted byAvatar Caro Kam
When Dutch Schultz lay dying in the hospital after being targeted for assassination by Lucky Luciano, Madam Stephanie St. Clair sent him a telegram that read, simply: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Reposted byAvatar Caro Kam
Trying to figure out how I grew up in England and only NOW , 20 odd years later I'm finding out about the amazing luddites!
Don't miss my convo with Brian Merchant about what today's workers can learn from the machine breakers of the 19th century and why tech CEOs love dystopias.
What Today’s Workers Can Learn From Machine-Breaking “The Luddites get a bad rap,” says author Brian Merchant.
I find this so common in many day to day conversations. the extent to which society is conditioned in repeating falsehoods rather than actual data is SCARY.
This also happens re: 'crime'
Reposted byAvatar Caro Kam
Libraries and librarians are under attack in so many place in so many ways and I wanted to do something, so I made this image in support of them. You can download it or print it up to let folks know you support your libraries!
So, inflation down to 2.3% but because of triple lock on the state pension it has increased by nearly 20% in just two years (10.1+8.5). Meanwhile the government is charging students 7.7% interest on student loans #intergenerationalunfairness in action
Reposted byAvatar Caro Kam
people hate kids. part of this is that.
Reposted byAvatar Caro Kam
"Of course, the point of so much of what goes on at places like Harvard—supposed to be about learning—is actually geared to either destroying these young people, or altering their substance into effigies that will be pliant, acceptable, and nonproblematic to the system." — Audre Lorde
Reposted byAvatar Caro Kam
Pundits : There will be a radical shift in the United Kingdom when Labour sweep to victory Labour Leader (former human rights lawyer) : sure, don't give kids water, that's legit, not a war crime at all
Israel 'has the right' to withhold power and water from Gaza, says Sir Keir Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has decried the actions of Hamas as ‘terrorism’ and said Israel has the “right to defend herself.”
If 10 days at Vipasanna meditation has taught me anything, it's that the law of nature dictates that we are always in constant flux and flow. Nothing is static. Hear hear
Change is possible. Nothing is permanent whether considered a win or loss. We don't have to acquiesce to what exists. Get to work.
End of feed.