
'blue state/red state' is a reductive and destructive fantasy I live in a stronghold of Democratic liberalism but drive 15 minutes in any direction and you'll be surrounded by MAGA flags and bumper stickers
More broadly, reproductive rights advocates say the alleged incident is a jarring reminder of how the national fight over abortion can spill over into deeply blue California, affecting patient care.
She had a miscarriage, and says a California CVS wouldn't give her a prescribed abortion Doctors prescribed an abortion pill to help a San Diego woman heal from a miscarriage. Her legal demand says CVS refused to give it to her.
and guess what, the people who can't afford to live in town are the ones who *work* in town, so.....
This affordability problem is killing regional towns in Australia. Hospitality venues, for example, can't get workers because they're priced out of the town.
I live several hours away from Santa Barbara and the city is so desperate for workers they advertise on our local TV station
It's absolute madness. Our cities are mostly unaffordable to buy or rent in now, which means either long commutes or moving to a regional area that's slightly less unaffordable. The "solution" means expanding urban boundaries: destroying good farming land, but also areas with negligible services.
Contrast that with the Paris Plan, to ensure city workers (even in low paid service jobs) can afford to live in the city. Rather than be forced to the banlieu's on the outskirts.
California: more votes for Trump than Texas
HAH I did not know that but am 100000% unsurprised
from an xkcd alt-text, - there were more Trump voters in CA than TX, more Biden voters in TX than NY, more Trump voters in NY than OH, more Biden voters in OH than Massachusetts, more Trump voters in Massachusetts than Mississippi, and more Biden voters in Mississippi than VT.
2020 Election
I live in the Boston suburbs and within a block we have Trump 2024 flags, Biden-Harris and RFK Jr flags. Also Pride Flags and Back the Blue flags. A few Irish flags and lots of American flags. Officially this is a blue precinct but tell that to the guy who walks his dog every day with a MAGA hat on.
The farm owners in the interior fucking hate both Biden and Newsom
Show me a red state I’ll show you a purple state with obscenely undemocratic districts
it's striking driving through the Central Valley and seeing endless signs from farmers who loathe Gavin Newsom and believe no water should ever be allowed to reach the ocean
one road trip through the central valley teaches all you need to know about California politics
A trip up north (Humboldt, Trinity, Modoc, etc counties) is equally instructive. Ponytails, pot, and giant Trump flags on trucks.
I’m from the Central Valley originally, and yes
When I drove through there in summer 2015, the combination of signs decrying government handout and demanding massive water giveaways to the farmers was...something
one thing that really struck me (in I think 2022?) was driving through fields of crops and seeing periodic signs saying "limit outdoor watering"
there was a time when I was rolling through there once a year, and it was like a time lapse of watching almond groves replace everything else
In Texas, the Democratic presidential nominee usually wins over 40% of the vote. Over 5 million Texans voted for Biden, which is more than the entire population of most states. And yet people assume everyone here is maga.
it's ridiculous, even the "reddest" state has a huge population of liberal voters
I just read where this was that she tried to get misoprostol: San Diego. That town has plenty of pockets of conservatives, especially because it’s a military town and military industrial supply hub
Yeah liberal yelling at red state like Alabama like it’s the whole state enforced this instead of being gerrymandered and disenfranchised to vote
We need to punish shit like this with criminal prosecutions. Refusing to hand over prescribed drugs for "personal moral beliefs" is attempted murder so we should charge everyone involved with attempted murder.
Electoral college brain is real and affects too many people who should know better.
I live in a California county 90 minutes from San Francisco that was Trump +35 in 2020.
i live in the capital region in progressive paradise New York, and you take one step out of city limits and you're in Alabama
I still can't believe Collin Peterson lost an election. The man only server corn and sometimes soybeans.
Yep. I live in a liberal stronghold *in Florida*. It’s messy — and when the state forces our city or university to make changes, outsiders blame the locals who voted 69% Biden. But a neighboring city 20 miles away has a mayor whose name was on a leaked KKK member list. Unhelpful to say the least.
The county in KY I live in solidly blue (thanks the the military base) surrounded by a sea of red.