Cath Kastner

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Cath Kastner

Illustration & Comics
Reposted byAvatar Cath Kastner
super excited for the day AI will be able to take over the most tedious tasks of daily life such as making art, engaging with art, maintaining human relationships, etc., so that I can focus on my true passion: creating value for shareholders
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Reposted byAvatar Cath Kastner
Keep saying it loud and often: generative "AI" is not intelligent, it is riddled with inescapable errors, it is structurally incapable of ever doing half the things its hypers claim it will do, most of it is snake oil in search of a mark to scam, and it's environmentally destructive to boot.
Reposted byAvatar Cath Kastner
Legitimate question- How is this legal? How is this not being immediately challenged by big companies who make artists sign dozens of NDA's? How is it not considered a threat to free expression? Art isn't a personal record or raw consumer data. Our privacy laws DESPERATELY need an update.
Reposted byAvatar Cath Kastner
I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote
Practicing my left-handed drawing skills with the Forbes billionaires list - today’s portrait: Jeff Bezos
Reposted byAvatar Cath Kastner
In this month’s issue of Vanity Fair France, I illustrated six archetypes you’re likely to bump into at the Venice Biennale. AD: Géraldine Richard Words: Pierre Groppo
Reposted byAvatar Cath Kastner
New favorite photo of 2024 just dropped
Almost done working on the drawing I’ve spent the last week on. I cannot wait to see the final result, but also to put it in a drawer and not look at it again for a very long time.
It’s finally sunny outside so I stayed in and drew a couple of cats enjoying themselves.
Reposted byAvatar Cath Kastner
It should not go unnoticed that the very same billionaires conducting the Plagiarism Crusade against non-white, female university presidents have their entire life savings tied up in a Plagiarism Machine.
‘Impossible’ to create AI tools like ChatGPT without copyrighted material, OpenAI Pressure grows on artificial intelligence firms over the content used to train their products
Reposted byAvatar Cath Kastner
they call us "content creators" because that is all we are to them. not artists, writers, cartoonists, painters, filmmakers-- "content". content is nebulous, corporate, unthreatening, apolitical, a flattening. so they call it content, because they don't respect us, & now they're throwing tantrums
Drawing with Park Chan-wook, part 1 of I don’t know how many - Thirst
Latest product of my imagination
Listening to my favourite PJ Harvey albums on repeat
Homage to my alarm clock, ink & digital colour
New comic - The view from my window & blank page anxiety
Went to a screening of House yesterday and was very impressed with all 88 minutes of it. Shiro the cat with laser eyes feels like the perfect pet to add to my menagerie, which currently consists of a black cat and two fearless pigeons.
Beauty Routine for an Incredible Glow
Ideally, what I’d be doing at some point this summer.
Something I drew at a time when looking at my bookshelves didn’t give me an intense feeling of guilt.
“Good dog”, ink and digital colours
End of feed.