
I accidentally posted a photo without ALT text earlier on my other account ( and had to delete and re-post, so this is just reminder that if you have multiple accounts here make sure you have this setting turned on for each one!
So hard to explain to people that my vision is a-okay but my VISUAL PROCESSING is deteriorating (thx, long covid), and if you want me to know wtf is in that blur of pixels you posted, I need a description in order to SEE it. Thank you for being such a staunch alt-text proponent. ❤️
I'm glad this is an option. I usually add alt text without it, but sometimes I get excited and hit post too soon. I like that it stops me.
Yep. It's mostly second nature for me at this point but sometimes I'll be doing something quick/distracted on my phone and forget.
Thanks for letting me know! I didn’t realize that was an optional setting. Just enabled it!
ooh, I didn't know you could give yourself that requirement here. I'll have to change my settings...
I hate how I have to turn this on for EACH DEVICE cmon bluesky 😭
I didn't know this was a thing! Thank you so much for making me aware of it!
People make mistakes. It's how you deal with them that matters. Good job!
If it's like the "disable autoplay" option right below it, it resets upon log off and/or cookie wipe. It's not saved on the server.
Ah a game changer I often miss at least one or all when posting up the birds
Please folks, it's not that hard, I know it takes a bit more time to post, but it's worth it, more folks with vision issues can "see" your posts if you add the alt, don't leave them out.
I post mostly art and photography, and the idea of writing alt text was quite daunting — but after diving in, I find it enhances my own "seeing" and experience of images, allowing me to get further inside them.
Son of a gun. I will do this.
So apparently I am old and stupid and have no idea where this located in my profile 😒
I try to describe my pics in regular text, no idea how to put text on gifs