
hey everyone i invented a way to sous vide my baby
What an idiot, apart from the obvious safety concerns for child and home, the dick doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, triacs don't have source/drain terminals
^ This. That is a FET. All the fool modifying the blanket has done is remove the solid-state switching that was keeping it regulated. It's now on full, all the time, because that switching was removed.
Exactly, I hope for the child's sake there's a thermal fuse but I've not much hope the idiot won't wire that out when it blows.
The device hopefully meets CE standards and likely has at minimum an NTC somewhere in it, but that doesn't stop the child-roasting blanket from roasting until then I do electronics repair for a living. The Venn diagram of "short-circuits safety features" and "total idiot" is usually a circle
I used to, still do for myself but mostly a keen hobbyist now.