Cassandra Good

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Cassandra Good

Historian, writer, and teacher of early American gender, culture, & politics; Assoc. Prof; Public Historian; Author of FIRST FAMILY (Hanover Square) & FOUNDING FRIENDSHIPS(OUP) | same handle on insta & Mastodon
Fun fact: the 10 Commandments are shown on a frieze in the Supreme Court as part of an artistic timeline of lawgivers thru time, including Hammurabi, Confucius, & Charlemagne. Only commandments 6-10, relating to criminal acts, are visible, & they’re in Hebrew
Sentencing day is on the 220th anniversary of the Burr/Hamilton duel. Thoughts 🗃️
Incredible bravery from the student reporters who did everything they could to stay on the spot and share the story. The things this country has and continues to put this young generation through...
!! NYPD is insisting on removing all members of the press as well as spectators off campus — who will document this? they ask (via WKCR)
I woke up to an email from a family member asking what I thought about George Will's column today (headline: "The leakage of universities’ prestige amid protests is most welcome"). I sent her's piece:
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If you like Late Capitalism, you’ll also enjoy Late Academia! Same cast & crew in a picturesque setting. A work in progress for two decades, join them for a new season to witness their triumph.
If you like Late Capitalism, you’ll also enjoy Late Academia! Same cast & crew in a picturesque setting. A work in progress for two decades, join them for a new season to witness their triumph.
This article from Columbia's newspaper on the antisemitic harassment of Jewish students is sobering. I support the right to protest. I'm appalled by the university's crackdown--as well as by what is happening to Jewish students right now.
Rabbi advises Jewish students to ‘return home as soon as possible’ following reports of ‘extreme antisemitism’ on and around <i>Editor’s note: This article deals with topics of harassment, violence, and antisemitism.</i>
If the NY Times actually cared about higher ed, this is what they’d be covering. Besides, from an economic perspective, this is newsworthy.
Please share and use: a spreadsheet documenting the cuts announced by 87 (!) US universities & colleges during the 2023-24 academic year … so far. A long, dispiriting list of college closures, faculty/staff layoffs, academic program eliminations, and significant budget cuts.   1/
US higher ed cuts 8/ Sheet1 Cuts at 2-year and 4-year US higher education institutions since August 2023. Please send additions, edits, updates, corrections to [email protected]. Institution,State,Cuts,Management Rationa...
Reposted byAvatar Cassandra Good
imagine if university heads were being grilled by congress about, oh i dunno, their wages, or tuition fees, or the exploitation of adjunct labor, or etc
Excellent news—but why was it ever required?
The long-awaited news from the Chicago Manual of Style: Place of publication will no longer be used in citations as of the 18th edition (with rare exceptions for clarity).
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The NSF Grad Research Fellowship funds at least 2,500 STEM *grad students* at approx $159k (to be used over 3 years). The NEH Fellowships for *faculty* funds an avg of 71 awards up to $60k for one year. There is 0 funding available for hum grad students. The imbalance is astonishing and harmful.
According to the ACLS, 1,100 people applied for the 60 awards from their single remaining fellowship program for general humanities research. Applications were restricted to early career untenured PhDs. Proof there isn't enough humanities research funding available.
American Council of Learned Societies Names Recipients of 2024 ACLS Sixty new ACLS Fellowships recognize excellence in research in the humanities and interpretive social sciences.
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Are you can academic who wants feedback on your non-fiction book proposal? I'm a nonfiction editor who will read and give you feedback in exchange for a $150 (min) donation to World Central Kitchen ( PLEASE SHARE TO FRIENDS, COLLEAGUES, STUDENTS and help raise $$$ for WCK!
The NSF funding rate is nearly 1 in 3. What?!
ACLS funding rate: 5% NEH funding rate: 7% NSF funding rate: 29%
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The more involved I get with administrative work, the more I empathize with Francis Douce's absolute banger of a resignation letter.
Agreed. This is why my dept has stuck with basic survey courses rather than making our intros focused on methodology (fwiw, most of our students haven’t taken AP’s)
Unpopular opinion: It is, in fact, important to teach students names and dates, especially early in their careers. Of course we care more about facility with primary sources, critical thinking, etc… 1/
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I love #MarchMadness, but every year I forget that being an academic determined to research things is not a winning strategy for filling out a bracket.
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Reposted byAvatar Cassandra Good
It's official! My first book, An Unholy Traffic: Slave Trading in the Civil War South, is real and out in the world. I'm delighted to share this project with you all via Oxford University Press. You can get 30% with the code AAFLYG6 through Friday, 3/20,here:
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Other things not in the Constitution (written or otherwise practiced): where the Supreme Court is housed (used to be in the bottom story of the Capitol); funding for clerks, reporters, security, & other staff; the ability of justices to control their own docket... oh, and judicial supremacy. 🗃️
Nothing in the US Constitution stipulates SCOTUS must have 9 justices. 9 is not a magic number. Other high courts overseas don't have as much power as our SCOTUS and are larger. The Supreme Court of the Netherlands has 24 justices. They sit on smaller panels to decide cases, not en banc.
1. "Extinction" is a very strange word choice here 2. Isn't there a middle ground in which universities pay players in sports which bring in revenue? Also, just a reminder that the NCAA's legal argument against paying players is based on the prisoner loophole in the 13th amendment.
NCAA head warns that 95% of student athletes face extinction if colleges actually have to pay them as The vast majority of schools, Charlie Baker said, “spend somewhere between ... $40 million and $5 million on college sports, and they lose money."
Question for historians of sexuality: this section of the painting The Independent Voter has been identified as a brothel. Does that seem correct? 🗃️ Full painting is at
Fun find of the day: a spittoon decorated with (slightly inaccurate) Confederate flags, made in China ca. 1861. It's in the collection of the Chicago History Museum and featured in David Hackett Fischer's book Liberty and Freedom. 🗃️