
Quick catch-up: 121 seats (with 2 to be declared) is absolutely devastating for the Conservatives. No one will have to take them seriously for a very long time. #UKGE2024 1/3
Fantastic night for both Labour - 412 seats - and the Liberal Democrats - 71 seats. History-making #UKGE2024 2/3
Four Reform seats is four too many. But to be second in so many is particularly worrying. No one should be complacent. #UKGE2024 3/3
If I were Keir Starmer, one of the first things I'd be doing is having MI5 and Special Branch look into the links that lot have to the Kremlin.
Just raised this. Big issue.
Now *there* is a historical irony. A new Labour government having to investigate the Russian collaborators of their opposition would have been the plot to a parody not long ago
But four Green seats is bloody fabulous! Caroline Lucas has a great legacy.
Doesn't she just? And all those Green council seats in the run up to the GE suggest it's a wider pattern.
A worry that Tories lost mainly because of reform votes, rather than a big increase in labour and Lib Dem votes. We need to be concerned.
This is a big takeaway. Despite 14 years of ruinous Conservative government, people still didn’t move away from the Right in any significant numbers.
That's the problem with Starmer's technocratic pitch - he didn't really challenge the rightwing ideology, but the competence of its implementers.
Also shouldn't be ignored that plenty of young people voted for Reform.
This result from our local secondary school yesterday So many Reform 😬 but otherwise encouraging
Can you show the stats? I think Labor needs to do a good job. Otherwise the next election might look different Doubt though, as some news are writing, that Farange can take over the Torries
Whatever happened to the centre-right voters? Did Labour pick them up, or they held their noses and voted Tory despite it being far right now, or stayed home?
I expect we’ll get some good academic analysis over the next few days.
Well, Reform say that they are the centre right... They also say that the Conservative party are socialists, so maybe their self-description might be a bit off.
No it isn't. As in 1997 most of the work was done by non-rich Tories staying home. Only way to get turnout up is to offer people something worth voting for. ~half the population has no party representing their interests. Begging for us to lift a finger for them when they refuse to do so for us.
What is the non-represented half of the population looking for in a part, do you think? Asking because I know most people find it hard to agree with everything a single party says, but surely between them they cover most things. What would a party have to say to get the 50% interested?
Absolutely this. Labour and the Lib Dems need to immediately raise the bar on standards for those in public life and then deliver for the country, top to bottom. Hard given the current economics but essential to show there is hope and thereby lock out the extremes who are just complain and whine
Thicky Dicky, Fartarage, and 30p Lee I just want to vomit 🤢 but they have no power and will just get pissed in the commons bar. I just feel bad for their constituents who have no representation whatsoever.
I don’t think we should be complacent about Putin pal Farage now having access to civil servants and briefings. I’m not saying he’s a Trump-style security risk, but I’m not not saying that.
I thoroughly expect the protocols and behaviour in Westminster will change radically from a permissive/complacent environment from Johnson-Truss-Sunak era to a tight and disciplined environment of Starmer-Cooper era. Reform’s access will be tightly controlled.
I’m sure Labour is alert to their threat.
Except Johnson undermined and debased Parliamentary protocol and procedure, and Farage can also draw on his wrecking experience at the European Parliament.
Farage is inspired by Trump into thinking something similar is possible here. I was disturbed by his threat last night that he is coming for Starmer now. I saw someone who hasn't grown beyond the sadism of a school bully, yet - knowingly or not - is an agent of powerful enemies of the UK.
We do need to take him seriously now.
Can he be any worse a security risk than Boris?
Definitely not. But that’s a very low bar.
Are MPs subject to security service scrutiny ?
They are. Farage will have been vetted long ago and there will be a file on him. But as with the recent Chinese spying scandal, things still slip through the net.
I don’t want to think about it, but he’ll get bored after a few months and will be desperate to leave when he realises he has no real power or influence as a single MP in a party of four.
Four too many. That might go down once they start getting found out then kicked out.
Perhaps MI5 or MI6 could arrange an unfortunate accident for comrade Farage?
Exactly the problem we have in Germany with the afd. Sitting in different committees with access to secret information and nobody knows what ends up with dictator Putin. But Lee now has a drinking buddy. 🤦‍♂️ Even worse when both are drunk.
Farage appears to go under the knife a lot for facelifts and get whole body spray tans while naked . He does seem to lead a dangerous life…
I find 30p Lee's re-election troubling. In most parts of the country voting reform was a bit of a shot in the dark, but in Ashfield they knew he was a moronic gobshite and still voted for him.
He may be a moronic gobshite, but he’s *our* moronic gobshite…
A local gobshite for local people
I know people who worked for him at citizens advice. Apparently he used to shout at staff, and was despised.