
Just to circle the point law enforcement is a big reason why we don’t have stronger privacy protections in the US. A big part of what’s made our economy so scammy is the desire to keep multiple loopholes open for state surveillance.
"Called Spy Pet, the service’s creator says it scrapes more than ten of thousand Discord servers, and besides selling access to anyone with cryptocurrency, is also offering the data for training AI models or to assist law enforcement agencies, according to its website."
A Spy Site Is Scraping Discord and Selling Users’ 404 Media tested the service, called Spy Pet, and verified it is collecting information on Discord users, including the messages they post across usually disparate servers.
“A big part of what’s made our economy so scammy is the desire to keep multiple loopholes open for state surveillance.” Well said.
Behind every law that’s invasive to our privacy we find police unions supporting it. Abolish police unions.
The above remains true and normative and good when you remove "unions" from it. #FTP #AbolitionNow
Or, like guns or cars, internet is a technology introduces a certain amount of novel risk into our lives that can never be reduced to zero. There is an impluse to make things 'safer' by escalating the tech and making it more potent; bigger guns, faster cars, tougher crypto, but you can't net zero.
Some day I will read something that will make me feel regret about not using Discord