
"Called Spy Pet, the service’s creator says it scrapes more than ten of thousand Discord servers, and besides selling access to anyone with cryptocurrency, is also offering the data for training AI models or to assist law enforcement agencies, according to its website."
A Spy Site Is Scraping Discord and Selling Users’ 404 Media tested the service, called Spy Pet, and verified it is collecting information on Discord users, including the messages they post across usually disparate servers.
It’s the easiest way for the most shameless and uncreative people to try and get rich at this point and we’re seemingly doomed to seeing endless iterations because no one who can is interested in addressing it.
watch the incompetent techbros at discord do absolutely nothing about this lmao they only care about this to the extent that it's a PR embarrassment
Gross. Hopefully someone makes counter-tools if this is ever an actual thing at scale to alert server admins so we can ban people who run the scraper.
Keep in mind this is powered by bots in channels, and you should assume those are not private. Your Discord DMs and group chats are not visible to Spy Pet, assuming you haven’t let a bot into the chat.
We could've fled to Guilded, we could've fled to Revolt, why do we still insist on supporting Discord?
What difference would it make? They are privately owned and centralized like discord, they too could have bunch of dummy users or bots that scrape all the activity.
I am not sure there are any countermeasures that would completely prevent this even for a service that was extremely motivated to do so. decentralized services are even less resistant to this sort of thing
very hard to broadcast your thoughts to a chatroom of a thousand people and be remotely sure that none of those people are writing down what you say
Exactly. There’s nothing you can do about it really. Loggers and scrappers gathering data from chats were a thing in the irc days too.
Guilded is also owned by Roblox Corporation, so I am not convinced it would be worth the migration-- there's no way they wouldn't immediately make us all regret it.
It’s got to become literally unusable for folks to move elsewhere. I think that’s what I’m learning from stuff like this, twitter, and other sites/services. Hell, the only reason Discord got its foot in the door is _because_ Skype became literally unusable iirc
Wouldn't matter. If you moved to those services, these scammers would just follow us there. Whatever's popular, they target.
Looks like Discord will need to update their security and protection against this