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how you gonna
if you're dying of irony poisoning and liberals remind you of your mom and make you eat your vegetables then yeah you're going to fall into a central crisis of modern liberalism about it and no force on Earth will be able to save you from it unless you first save yourself
Once again, its worth having a conversation about the fact that theres a growing trend online of people framing pretty bog standard anti-social behaviors & conservative beliefs within leftist/progressive language in order to argue that what they're doing is actually righteous and moral.
a lotta yall still don't get it vc firms can use multiple ZIRP juices on a single Doomed Startup so if u have 1 Doomed Startup and 3 ZIRP juices u can create 3 Doomed Startups tonite's ZIRP juice minting event is a minting event for both Doomed Startups *and* Ketamine-fueled Antisocial Utopianism
Anyways, I think that the sentiment that "a vote has to be earned" is antidemocratic and attempts to replace democracy with brand exercises and a "free market", because it rejects the notion that political participation might come with social responsibilities to other people in the society.
anyway the most fatal of the constitution’s many fatal flaws is its reification of a strong form of federalism and the attendant idea that the β€œstate” is a coherent political unit with some set of β€œrights” worth defending
way down in this article I saw this image of an in-class planetarium that distills the bleak outlook of our spacing billionaire class everybody will get a turn in the spectacle dome after they spend 4 hours trying to learn in 70dB ambient noise www.nytimes.com/2024/03/10/u...
The critical thing about this entire episode is the contrast with how GOP rhetoric is treated by the press. Slandering Democrats and city dwellers is normal, but the reverse can't happen. Implicitly it's because of the power rural areas hold federally, but it's been laundered into a moral principle.
It's instructive to compare the mythological version of the "Basket of Deplorables" speech to the actual remarks, which were exactly the kind of "we must understand the valid roots of Trump support" argument that everyone ever since has insisted that nobody else has been wise enough to make
I’ve argued for a while that cryptocurrency, the metaverse, and AI are all the results of an oversupply of compute looking for something to be applied to, and it’s very nice of Nvidia to make that point for me with this sweaty stunt to keep selling chips
Nvidia announcing a "moonshot" for embodied "human-level" "AI," with a cute, easily linked-into, culturally resonant name ("GR00T"). I am pre-exhausted. arstechnica.com/information-...
Nvidia announces β€œmoonshot” to create embodied human-level AI in robot formarstechnica.com As companies race to pair AI with general-purpose humanoid robots, Nvidia's GR00T emerges.
lex fridman: greetangs gentalmen. welcome to scholar debate. how you first learn about israel destiny: i only deal with facts such as wikipedia and quora. and you don’t have the facts norman finkelstein: you ingrate. you worm. i will make you my slave in the afterlife
way down in this article I saw this image of an in-class planetarium that distills the bleak outlook of our spacing billionaire class everybody will get a turn in the spectacle dome after they spend 4 hours trying to learn in 70dB ambient noise www.nytimes.com/2024/03/10/u...
Here's @ryanlcooper.com on yesterday's Supreme Court ruling on the Trump ballot question, and its shifting logic for barely-veiled ideological purposes. My favorite part: prospect.org/justice/2024...
hard not to see UBI arguments from Effective Altruism-types as a kind of payoff for allowing tech firms to hoard absurd amounts of capital away from the state and ignore their laws concerning ownership vv cyberpunk
I keep getting this distracting idea about the idea of auteurship, how it is a kind of willful disappearing of a bunch of labor, sacrificed in order to elevate the decisions of the director above any financing producer. A lot of the marketing of generative AI seems to be doing the same thing.
i think liberals and leftists and all kind of progressives want to be smart and perceived as smart so badly that they simply cannot conceive of there being an entire contingent of society that doesn’t give a shit about looking smart so long as they win
Conservatives have long hosted two approaches to sexuality in their coalition: Heritage, evangelical-style sexual Puritanism, and Trumpish, β€œbarstool”-style boorish sexual entitlement. Some people think these are hard to reconcile, but the central aim of both is the domination and control of women.
When they’re right, they’re right, I completely agree that conservatives should make β€œending recreational sex” their central issue
I will not lie, I have not been a fan of Vice for the past 20 years. Most of this was the Gavin of it all, but even after he presented too much baggage to keep, I couldn't shake that sense you get from punk scenes that all that transgression camoflauged some gadsden-flag bullshit and rote misogyny.
My article "Any Sufficiently Transparent Magic…" is part of the journal American Religion's Fall 2023 roundtable "On Religion and Algorithms." I explore both religious & magical concepts w/in "AI," & the obfuscatory work done by hype-laden "AI" discourse. Hope you enjoy! muse.jhu.edu/pub/3/articl...